Wednesday, December 3, 2008

For A Good Read...

Click HERE!
The author is my very talented, wonderful, best friend for ages!
I don't want to keep harping on the topic but really the more I read/think about it the more passionate I get! I really believe that it is worth talking about and sharing.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


*G is now 16 months old! He is so stinkin' cute and cuddly! He loves to be held and give kisses, such a love bug. But, I do not want to misrepresent the situation. If he is mad watch out! he will kick, spit, scratch, and hit.
*EJ no longer wants a pink wedding birthday party. She prefers that her presents be mailed to her. Seriously she said and I quote "I don't want people to come for a party, they can mail my gifts." I have my hands full!
*G is using 2 words more often and has used 3 words together.
*We will be in our home at the end of this week!
*Emery Jai is going to marry Issac, a friend of hers. He is okay with it and I approve of his family so all is good to go:)!
*I have been feeling okay this pregnancy. I have been sick and had headaches so I have no clue if it is a boy or girl! We are not going to find out! I know I say that every time, but for real we are not going to find out!
*I have made my first Midwife appointment, it is in a couple of weeks. So yes, we are planing a home birth. Josh and I have wanted on with the two previous births but it didn't work out. I have faith it will this time!
*G is in the very early stages of potty training, he tee teed on the cordless phone receptacle at Pop & NeNa's house.
*We are going T.V. free in our home! I am excited but nervous. I hate to admit but I use it as a babysitter on occasion. Now I will not have that crutch!

A New Tradition!

Josh and I have always given EJ and G one gift at Christmas, that is it. We never wanted Christmas to be about gifts and greed. This year, however, we are changing it up a bit. We are giving 3 gifts in honor of the gifts given to baby Jesus.#1.Gold-we give them 1 thing that they have REALLY wanted.#2.Frankincense-something for their bodies,such as clothes,perfume,lotion..ect.#3.Myrrh-something for their spiritual life,such as a bible,study books or for my little kids,c.d.s with christian music.

If you have a sec.....

Here is a very good article on Santa and why people might not what to participate in it. I know this is a controversial topic, but it is my blog and i will blog what i want to:)! We have never done the whole Santa thing with EJ or G for several reasons. On of the main reasons is that the birth of our Lord and Savior is magical, exciting, and awe inspiring on its own! In my option it does not need a man in a red suit to complete it. Other reasons include greed and lying to my kids. Anyway, a good friend of mine showed me this article and it is super good!

Several years ago, I wrote a little booklet, which was called "A Very Strange Fantasy". In it, I argued that Santa Claus has become a false god, a fantasy that Christian families should not perpetuate. In this article, I will attempt to briefly explain why Santa Claus should not be part of a Christian subculture.Christmas is a time of year when we have the opportunity to celebrate the coming of Christ our Lord into this world. It should be a time when God has centre stage in the world but, instead, it has become a time of gross commercialization, with Santa Claus as the god-figure rather than Christ.Many people, even Christians, would insist that the whole Santa Claus thing is just a bit of harmless fun. Well, I know this is not a popular message, but Santa Claus is a false god. Let me explain.1) According to the Santa myth, he is very, very old - eternal in fact. The famous "Letter to Virginia" published by the editor of the New York Sun in 1897 boldly declares that Santa will live forever. Yet 1st Timothy 6:16 says that only God is eternal. 2) The Santa myth says that Santa "knows when we are sleeping, he knows when we're awake, he knows if we've been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake!" In other words, Santa is omniscient, all-seeing. Yet the Bible clearly says that only God is omniscient. (2 Chr 16:9, Ps 11:4, Prov 15:3) This is no "little white lie" - this is major blasphemy!3) The Santa myth says that Santa personally delivers presents to each child on the same night. When little children ask their parents how he can do such a feat, they are simply told that "Nothing is impossible for Santa!" Sounds a bit like Luke 1:37 "For with God nothing will be impossible." 4) Santa, according to the myth, is infinitely kind and good. He loves children, is always happy and generous. But in Mark 10:18, Jesus said "Why do you call me good? No-one is good but One, that is, God." And the gospels make it very plain that little children were very much drawn to Jesus. They often sat on His knee. What irony that so many children today sit on Santa's knee in shopping centres and other places. Who do they think about on Christmas Eve? Jesus or Santa? Who do they look to in joyful faith? Jesus or Santa? Who holds their love and affection? Jesus or Santa? A well-known Christian organisation held a Christmas appeal which featured a "letter to Santa" that some young child had written. In it, the child asks Santa to "get Daddy a job so we can all be happy again", "make Mum and Dad stop fighting" and "make sure the new baby is well when it arrives." Do you think it's right that the precious prayers of little children are directed to a false god who cannot save or help in any way? Even worse, Santa Claus is also known as Father Christmas, a blasphemous title that sets him up as the father figure right at the time when we are supposedly celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.The Santa myth is not a collection of "little white lies" at all, but a major distortion of the truth about god. The first of the Ten Commandments says: "Thou shalt have no other gods before Me." Now a god can be anything really, but when you ascribe supernatural qualities to someone like Santa and then look to him for rewards and blessings, you've definitely got a false god by any standards. God loves children and greatly desires their love and faith. But both faith and devotion are redirected to Santa because of the myth that is perpetrated! Jesus actually said that it would be better to have a heavy stone tied around your neck and to be thrown into the sea than to lead astray one of His little children! (Matt 18:6)I haven't even mentioned the excessive materialism, greed and coveting that happens in the name of Santa Claus. Nor have I mentioned the issue of trust between parents and children. I believe that, if parents are willing to perpetuate a lie for so many years, they are sowing distrust into the lives of their children. The thing is, Santa is unlike every other fantasy that children come across. They know that the Power Rangers are not real. Or Oscar the Grouch or Mickey Mouse. But they are constantly told (by all the adults they know) that Santa is actually real. Thus it is no longer a harmless fantasy, but a serious deception. No amount of excitement on Christmas Eve can justify betraying the precious trust that our children place in us.There's so much more to say! But let me finish by saying that this is precisely the kind of issue we will face if we are serious about living a radical Christian lifestyle. When will Christians learn that Satan can present himself as an angel of light, in order to draw away the faith of men, women and children? The image of Santa is so nice and friendly but there can be no doubt. He is a substitute god and does not deserve all the attention he gets!
The Christian Subculture Concept Page - written and edited by Steve McNeilly

if you have any comments feel free to email me!

thanksgiving day!

We had a great Thanksgiving! We spent the day with Joshua's Aunt Freddie and lots of family. The kids had a blast and kept everyone entertained! I have lots of cute pics but no way to post. I am so very ready for Internet at my house! Anyway, the kids spent the weekend with Pop & NeNa so Josh & I could get moved in. Which we did not, Almost. We hope to be moved in this week!
hope everyone had a wonderful time!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!


Monday, November 24, 2008


Emery Jai & Guice have some super exciting news.......they are getting a sibling!!!!!!!!! We just found out and are very excited! The new addition is due this Summer. We have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

new post......

A new post is coming soon.......I am just not feeling it right now:)! I have tons to talk about the kids, the holidays, the house, so so much! I am so far behind! Just know all is so very well and enjoy my new turkey background!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

International Babywearing Week

Wear your babies (or kids:)! Check it out HERE! I still wear Guice (all 30+ lbs), studies have shown it to be wonderful for babies/kids as well as moms!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

why can we not have this public service announcement in the u.s.? seriously?!?! as any of you who know me in real life can account for i breastfeed my babies (15 mnth old!) any time any where! i think it is important for the baby as well as normalizing breastfeeding! anywhoooo....just sharing!

*** okay, so i can't get it to link properly. it shows a man eating his lunch in a restroom stall. basically, you wouldn't do this, why expect a baby to.********

Friday, November 7, 2008


we closed on the house! wooo hoooo hooooo woooo! we are so excited! nena & pop are coming in this weekend to check it out so we have a big weekend planed!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

pic of the kiddos!

For the first time in over a month here is a pic of my little monsters! I lifted this from my sister in laws myspace! It was taken by my super sweet niece Maegan. Cheyenne and Meagan came over Sunday afternoon to spend some time with monkeys. EJ is wearing G's clothes it is her latest thing and G is not wearing any clothes because that is how he rolls! I hope we have home internet access in a week or so!
Thanks Maegan for taking the pic and thanks Summer for posting!

Monday, November 3, 2008

this and that plus whatever else.....

*I am putting my foot down with Guyboo! I am only letting him nurse twice a day, now. He is doing okay, but last night he woke up at 4 a.m. and had to eat an apple! He said "Eat Apple, Eat Apple." G ate his apple then went back to bed. He thinks I am starving him to death! Also, I think breast milk was sedating him:). Now he is slightly violent, hitting, biting, clawing, and such, maybe he is having withdrawals.
*Mimi got EJ a pair of pink and white rubber boots for Uncle David's hog barn. To make a long story short she wore them to church on Sunday with her dress! She now sits with Sister Wanda in the choir, maybe because Sister Wanda is in the front row and Mimi is on the back. So EJ was on the front row worshiping in her rubber boots!
*Meagan and Cheyenne came over to see the kids this weekend. When they were talking about deer hunting EJ said "I want to go, I have a basket!" She was thinking Easter Eggs!
*Emery Jai asked me to let her stay home with the trees today. I am praying that I will be able to stay home after the first of the year (I know I keep bringing that up, but I seriously want to stay home).
*G carried a bag (purse) and a baby to church, Daddy was proud:).
*Anytime G hears music he raises his hand in praise.
*We are dedicating the kids, soon. Josh and I are not 100% sure when. We have wanted to do this for a while but never felt at home in the church we attended, until now. EJ is very excited, she loves anything where she is the center of attention.
*We took the kids to the park this weekend and had a great time! Except, EJ wanted to hang out with the teenage goths and G kept trying to climb in the pond. I got so tired of trying to keep G from swimming and coaxing EJ away form the kids we left.
*We are closing on our home EARLY!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Our (newest:) Home!

Here it is! In all its bad carpet(there is hardwoods under it) and 1970's paneling glory! All joking aside I really love the house and where it is! We are planing for a garden, chicken coop, and who knows what else! I LOVE the acreage, there are mature pear, apple, and peach trees! We are so very blessed! I will share the story of the house soon, when we get moved in. If there was any question if we were to be in Mena serving God, the house story answered it! not the greatest pics, i lifted them from the real estate site.
a little bit of Anderson trivia....The man of my dreams (aka Joshua) and I have been married 3 years (4 in March) and we have moved 7 times! Two of those times was moving our stuff into a storage building...but still! When we move into our home it will be EIGHT! And I am NOT going to say I am done, as sure as I do we will be called to be missionaries in Zimbabwe! Josh and I are in agreement that we will just buy new things:).

Going Private....

For several reasons I have decided to go Private. But it is not that big of deal because according to my comments, no one reads anyway;). At any rate if you want to be "on the list", sounds so elitists:), email me your email address at
I will change over in a week or so!

And the blessings continue....

We received amazing news last night! Our church is going to pay for Josh to attend seminary! How wonderful is that?!?!?!?! He will also be able to continue to work full time. The program is basically correspondence, he does have to travel to Hot Springs once a month and spend the weekend. The program is three eight month courses. It begins in January. It is through the Assembly of God Church (I know you wanted to know;). I am sure some of my readers (aka my family)are unsure about us being members of a Pentecostal (no, I do not have to wear dresses and grow my hair out, there are different types of Pentecostal churches, who knew?!?:) church but it is where we belong. It is not for everyone! I pray that we can all look past religious labels and see the bigger picture!


Our little man is 15 months today, sorry still no pics:)! He learns something new daily and is talking up a storm. When I get home from work he runs to me saying "love you!" So sweet! He is using two words together on occasion but not regularly. His vocabulary is over 50 words. He is weighing in at around 30 lbs. He loves playing with his sister and climbing on everything! G really enjoys reading and says book constantly. I am working on limiting the number of times he nurses but it is not going well. One day last week when I returned home from work he ran to me saying "Ninnie Ninnie!" He is addicted to the boob;)! He likes to pick out what clothes he wears and what spoon he uses and any and everything else, very head strong and independent! He is showing signs (hiding to poop, pooping at the same time daily, and telling me he wants his diaper changed) of being ready to potty train. I hope that in the next couple of months I will be home and able to accomplish this. EJ was potty trained at 17 months and that is my goal with G. Only 2 more months (hopefully) of diapers wooooo hooooo!!!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

things to ponder.....

Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.

If you judge people, you have no time to love them. Mother Teressa

Measure not men by Sundays, without regarding what they do all the week after Thomas Fuller

Monday, October 27, 2008


I know, I have neglected my blog! We are so very busy! I am having a very hard time (so are the kiddos) adjusting to working, I am aching to be a SAHM. I am praying that I will be again, soon. Other than that, all is well! We purchased a new home, we close on the 15th! We love it! I will post pics when I can. It sits on 2 1/2 acres and is a little bit of a fixer upper, stay tuned for dazzling before and afters! The kiddos are wonderful. They love church, spending tons of time with family, and seeing their Daddy a lot more. EJ loves signing in the choir and G is very fond of his Papa. Josh and I are teaching Sunday School, the teens. We are very excited. We are attending First Assembly and loving it. It was a better fit than The Crossing. Although we have just been attending for a few short weeks it already feels like home! I hope to post new pics of the kids very soon! Stay tuned!

Friday, October 17, 2008

10/31/2008....Just another day.....

The Anderson family will not be participating in Halloween at all this year. I struggled with this last year but decided to dress the kiddos up. Besides what could be wrong with dressing up the kids in super cute outfits and taking them around to friends and family to be oooohhhhed and awwwwhhhed over? Well, apparently a lot! The more I read about it the more I am convinced that my family does not need to participate in it at any level. My good friend, Linzi, really pushed me to think about it and I am very glad she did!
Click HERE, HERE, HERE or HERE to read more about it! I do not agree with every single word of these sites but I do agree with enough of them to decide that my family should not partake in Halloween.

Big Night For Guy-boo!

My little guy is growing up! He spent his first night EVER away. For over 14 months he has spent every single night snuggling with his Mommy, last night he snuggled with Nena! Nena said he did very well. I am a little surprised, he is still nursing. I thought he would scream and cry. I almost went after him a few times. Emery Jai was there to comfort him;). She is a pro at over night stays, she would take breastmilk from a bottle unlike her brother. I am leaving after work today headed for Conway! Matthew and Kenzie are getting married. EJ & G are in it!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Living in mena!

So much has happened I don't know where to start! First, we both have jobs. I am working at a Chiropractic clinic and Josh is working for a local company. Josh, David, and Brad moved all our stuff here over the weekend. They did it in under 24 hours, very impressive considering it is a 10 hour drive. I wish they could have brought our house;). I am missing it, already. We are staying with Josh's mom for the moment. The move happened much faster than we had planed. The kiddo's are loving it. They go to school two days a week, with Mimi 1 1/2 days, and with Daddy on Fridays. It has been a huge adjustment leaving them to go to work. I miss them terribly and have cried everyday. I want to stay home now more than ever and hope I can again. It does help that the kids are in great hands but I just want them in my hands! I am starting to tear up... more later.
I can't post pics (I am blogging from work) but I have a ton of super cute ones! Including a video of EJ singing with Mimi at church and G hangin' out with Papa!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

14 Months!

Guice brings immeasurable joy to our lives!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Headed To Mena!

We are leaving out today to spend the week in Mena! Joshua is off work for NINE days, wooohoooo! I can't remember the last time he was off this long. He only took a week off when the babies were born, so probably never! Anyway, we are attending a revival at Mimi's church, visiting with lots of family, and looking for jobs. It should be a great week!
The best news is that we are %99.99 sure that we have sold our home, we are so excited. We hope to be living in Mena very very soon!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Stunt Man!

Climbing Walls! Swimming!

Best Part Of EJ & G's Day!

When NeNa & Pop get home! Emery Jai starts super early preparing for their arrival. She can't wait! From the moment she gets up she wants them to come home, many days she asks them to stay home from work. I know G would to but he is just shy of talking in sentences;).
And she is off! Almost there!

G is on his way! Ooops!

How cute is he?!?!?!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Snack Time!!!

The kids favorite snack of the moment....APPLES! Guice really loves them, he is our little fruit bat! He can have a whole apple to hold now, with the peel and not cut up. He eats 2-4 small apples a day. Emery Jai is not that big of a fan but she still likes them;)!
Apple eaters!
Good Stuff!
G being a little bad;)!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I am having the hardest time with the prospect of returning (I use the term returning very loosely, I have worked a grand total of 3 months in 3 years;) to work! I have an interview for a case management position on the 30th. I LOVE casework, but do not want to leave the kids for 40 plus hours a week. I would miss them so much. I miss them now when they nap or sleep in or spend time with someone and I stay home with them.
Another option would be for me to work as a tech at a hospital and go back to school for a nursing certificate (there isn't a school close that has a bachelor program). I could work 12 hour shifts* hopefully, that would cut down on time away from the kids. The only thing is I am not at all passionate about nursing*. The only reason I would do it is to be home with the kids more. I do not feel the same way about nursing as I do case management. The prospect of working with children and families makes me very excited, not so with nursing. In a perfect world I would be able to continue to stay home but that is not an option at this point....... I am not looking forward to giving up my stay-at-home-mommy status:(. Even if I work part time it is not the same as being a full time mom.
*I have worked 12 hour shifts before and did not like it. I did not see EJ for 3 days, it felt like. But maybe, if I do it, this time will be different;).
*I know I would not be the only nurse who felt this way;). Also, I am very well aware that nurses also help people. I am in no way saying they don't, I want to make that very clear!!

The Balloon Saga......

Emery Jai, Guice, and I stopped by Ed's bakery for donuts a couple of days ago (I have just recovered enough to write it down). Emery Jai had been asking for donuts for a couple of days, we happened to be in town picking up supper so we swung by. What happen next will be etched in my memory for a very long time! Emery Jai simply lost her mind! Ed's was closing and the girls (college aged) offered her a balloon. She said "No, thank you" So G ran for it, He grabbed it and had never been happier. I went a head a bought another balloon, everyone knows you have to have one for each kid;), I thought when we got in the truck she would want it. I don't think I have ever been more wrong. As soon as the girl handed me the balloon EJ went ballistic. She grabbed the balloon from me and tried to give it back to the girl screaming "I said NO THANK YOU, I DO NOT WANT IT!" I said something along the lines of that is okay honey, lets just go home. That was not in her plan at all! I got her outside all the while she was screaming about the balloon. The girls were staring in disbelief and I am sure we were the topic of conversation after we left. Once outside EJ starts throwing her purse and her Minnie Mouse. It was not good enough that she threw it once she had kept picking them up and re-throwing them. Insert G in his Micky Mouse hat (yes, the one with ears) rocking back and forth singing balloon balloon repeatedly! I could not pick them both up and I was afraid to go to the car with just one, I thought the other would run into the parking lot. It was a mess! A well meaning (I think) lady stopped to talk to me about how her daughter had the same temperament and it does not get any better, fantastic. She started out saying "My daughter is a special ed. teacher..." I thought great, she thinks EJ has a disorder and I am going to have to tell her, she, as far as we know, is just bad. Anyway, at some point I got them both in the car at which time EJ tried to pop the balloon by biting it! She seriously did not want that balloon:)!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I FINALLY got Guice on video saying balloon! He loves them! He points them out everywhere, even when we drive past used car lots. He is very observant.

Monday, September 22, 2008

G took a little trip!

Guice had his first (but certainly not last trip, he is rambunctious!) trip to the emergency room! He is 100% okay and no worse for the wear! He and EJ were playing and EJ knocked him down, he hit his head hard. This in itself did not alarm me it is what happened directly afterwards. He started having a seizure, I am not exaggerating. He started convulsing and his eyes rolled back in his head. My mom was here so we scooped him up and rushed him to the ER. He had a CT scan and everything looks great, THANK GOD! I am just so very happy he is fine and all is well! I was/am way more shook up than Guice! EJ is insanely jealous that G got to go to the hospital and get a bracelet on his ankle;).

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Congratulations Jeff & Lindsay
10 Year Wedding Anniversary!!!

evolution of the blog!

Or de-evoultion depending on what camp your in;). I have never really expressed my views on the blog. Yes, I am sure you have gathered that I am hippieish. But, not that I can recall, have I bluntly came out and talked about anything remotely controversial. To get to the point, I am going to start. Not in an attempt to sway anyone in their own way of thinking, rather so I can look back and see what I really thought about things at this point in my life. Also, so that my children can look back and understand why they were parented the way they were. In noway do I want to offend, hurt, or otherwise upset anyone. I just want to warn everyone so if I mention that I my kids are not up to date on their vaccines or that I think we all could be a little more concerned with the environment or homeschooling or whatever no one is taken back. So I guess I am apologizing in advance;)! Hope everyone still continues to read and enjoy my blog!


Emery Jai Anderson 5 months!

what do these 3 people have in common?




they have all been compared to

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Pics From TN!

Just a few pics from our quick trip to TN!

Cutie Pie!! Can you believe he is only 13 months? EJ striking a pose!

G on is first "ride"! He loved it!
EJ riding! The kid waiting on pizza to be delivered to our hotel room!


We had a wonderful time in Mena this past weekend! Josh's interview went great, we hope to hear good news in a couple of weeks. Josh and I lunch with Victor who is the Pastor of The Crossing, it was a GREAT visit! We found out that Josh can attend Bible classes through The Crossing! It is a two year course and very comprehensive. Josh is excited, this is such a blessing! We also attended service on Sunday it was good! We also attended services at First Assembly of God, where Josh's family attends . After church Carolyn (Josh's mom, aka Mimi) planed wonderful lunch for us and invited a lot of people from church including the pastor and his family. It was super nice, unfortunately I had to leave early due to illness (another story all together). Emery Jai was the center of attention all weekend with her cousins, she ate it up! Guice got to spend some one on one time with his Uncle David and Aunt Sommer at their home, he loved it and is looking forward to much more;). He also added a couple of new words to his vocabulary Papa (as in Papa Wayne), Thank You (this is a little bit of a stretch, but I am giving it to him anyway:) and Pig (Mimi heard this one). The weekend went so well that we are even MORE ready to be in Mena starting this new chapter! But, I know that it will happen in Gods time and not ours!


turn the music off and the sound up to hear guice say bubble!

Branson Trip!!

The kiddos and I spent Labor day weekend in Branson with NeNa Pop & Friends! We had so much fun. The highlight of the weekend was spending time with sweet baby Jude!
Guice in his sling! He still likes to go for a ride:). EJ at Marble Slab Creamery, Yummy!!!
G enjoying a little taste of ice cream!
Jude & her Grandpa, how cute are they?

Emery Jai and Oscar.

Lovin' the stroller! They only like to ride in rented strollers!

Guyboo is down for the count!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Playing Catch Up!

I have about a dozen posts rolling around in my head but I have come to the conclusion that there isn't anyway I am going to get them all down separately. Combining them into a huge hodgepodge seems to be the best way to go:). I have not done a 13 month post for Guice or a 21/2 year for Emery Jai (for shame;)! When I tell you that I am stressed it is an understatement. The upcoming move is ALL I think about. I leave the keys in the door and put spices in the refrigerator because my mind is elsewhere! If you are the type that only checks my blog for pics of two of the most amazing kids ever, you are going to be disappointed. I have lots of new pics but can't upload them until I get back to AR. If you are one of the few who actually read my blog enjoy...........

*Emery Jai loves Obama, anytime she sees his pic she goes crazy! EJ also looks for ways to work his name into conversation.

*I am only going to say this once and do not want it spoken of again but I am voting republican. There I have said it and now I can move on:)! I really like Sarah Palin, really! She said the sweetest things about her son Trig. Also, Nicole sent me an email and I was sold.

*Speaking of Nicole you should check out this post it is hilarious!

*Guice loves blue cheese and all other foods, he is not picky at all!

*Emery Jai is just over 38 inches tall and weighs 41 lbs. According to this web site she is in the 100% for weight and 95% for height.

*Guice has fallen down three brick stairs, off a bed, into a shopping cart from the seat, and has not cried once!

*Emery Jai is very passionate about her clothes, super opinionated.

*Guice has a vocabulary of 20 words, easy.

*I am blogging from a hotel room. Our air conditioner went out today! I could not take the heat with the babies!

*I could be arrested for nursing Guice in public in TN. State law only protects public breastfeeding for 1 year (even though the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for 2 years and the American Association of Pediatrics recommends at LEAST a year). Anyway, if you get a call with the prefix 615 answer your phone! I might need bail money:)! As a side note, AR protects breastfeeding without an age limit! wooo wooo for the natural state! I hope with a breastfeeding VP, there will be national legislation!

*Emery Jai and Guice play really well together for the most part. It is so sweet to watch.

*Thanks to Miss Jude I have a raging case of baby fever! She is the cutest cuddliest little baby! I could have 12 and still want one more:).

*Myspace is going well I have friends in the double digits, watch out!!

*Guice got a new pair of shoes 61/2 XXwide! They are NOT the cutest shoes I have ever seen but they fit:).

*Josh has a job interview in Mena on Friday! I ask that you pray for him. We know that it is Gods will for us to move to Mena (why else would we do it;), we are just trying to work out the logistics jobs, place to live, sell house. I am sad to leave TN and set out on a new course but am very excited to be truly seeking God, doing his will not mine.

*Guice seems to be allergic to Monday & Pirate:(. He gets super snotty when we are at home. We don't know what we are going to do.

*We are spending the weekend in Mena house hunting and such. We are looking forward to seeing some of you! The kiddos are looking forward to soaking up all the extra attention and lovin'

Sunday, September 7, 2008


So, other than me and a couple of elderly people I know everyone has a myspace! I have given in to peer pressure and got one! I have tried this before but have always taken it down, only time will tell how long this will last:)! I dread starting it, I feel like such a dork with NO friends! If you are on myspace swing by and say hi!!

I will do a real post very soon. I am just so very distracted with trying to move to Mena that I can't seem to compose anything!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Guess where I am?!?!?

much more to come............ i am very behind on my blogging but for now i am enjoying having my family together for the first time in over a month!!

Friday, August 29, 2008

On the phone with Alex.....


Happy Happy Birthday Mimi!!


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

absolutely nothing like I imagined but so much more than I expected

Before my kids were born, I imagined life as perfectly orderly; I would teach with care while my child listened attentively. We would have wonderful, long days together with no fits or tears that I could not handle or control quickly and efficiently with the perfect parenting technique. And this child of mine would grow and learn (and have perfect manners) and surrender her life to following Christ without any questions or doubts that would follow.
Because I wasn’t idealistic or anything.
But the reality, as anybody with a little one knows, is absolutely nothing like that. The daily process of teaching and leading a precious little heart is about as orderly as a room full of hungry, pregnant women! And you know what else? It is hard. On every single level. So much of parenting uncovers our own imperfections, and we are constantly being humbled, broken and refined in our own lives while we try to nurture the little lives that have been entrusted to us. Did I mention that it’s hard? Did I mention that it is humbling?
There are days when I’m really disappointed in myself as a mother; I get so tired of struggling to balance the things I need to do with the things I want to do, and as a result of that I am confronted with the reality of my selfishness over and over again. It’s a mighty good thing indeed that I don’t have to parent in my own strength, because I’ll tell you right now that I couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t last a day. I might last a day but I definitely would be reported to higher authority!
But the rewards of parenting? They really are huge. They’re immeasurable. They’re eternal. And the longer I’m a mama, the more I am beginning to understand that it is not what I can do in my own strength or thought process, but what God can do through me (which blows my mind that I could be worthy of mentioning his name, much less be used by Him!)
In many ways motherhood is absolutely nothing like I imagined but so much more than I expected. So Lord, please give me understanding of the situation on those hard days and faith to see you at work in our lives.

I lifted this from another blog I came across. It was too good not to share:)!

Family Time!!

The kids and I took a trip to Josh's hometown, our future hometown:). We had a blast! Mimi went out of her way to make us feel very welcomed! She kept Guice and Emery Jai on Thursday, the first time Guice had been left! He did amazing, better that I did! The kids had so much fun spending time with family. They are very blessed to have so many Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins to spoil them rotten! Emery Jai LOVED all the attention from her older Cousins. My nieces were wonderful with her and EJ ate it up! Guice loved Uncle David and Uncle Jamie. He is going to be Uncle David's little hog buddy! He was at home in the hog barn! EJ kept everyone laughing with her antics, of course! She is a riot! G added a few more words to his ever-growing vocabulary Mimi, Bella Boo and Nat Nat (in reference to his Aunt Amy;).
It was wonderful to spend time with everyone and we are very much looking forward to relocating!!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I left him alone for a few seconds only to find this! I was not joking when I said he is into it everything, nothing is safe!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Rock it out!

Emery Jai received this gift from her Mimi at Guyboo's birthday. To say she loves it is an understatement! I have a feeling we need to stock up on batteries;).

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Birthday Paloozza!!

Today we celebrated Guice turning one! It was wonderful! I have to thank everyone who came, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Guice enjoyed his day immensely! He loved his balloons and loved the cake! He even blew out the candle by himself (I was thinking the same thing, he is a genius:)! Emery Jai was absolutely perfect. She was so very good. She waited calmly to open her gifts and thanked everyone. After all the guest had left she came in and asked me and NeNa to sing her happy birthday and let her blow out a candle, which of course we did! I almost cried. The party was great! I am amazed at how fast his first year went:(. Josh was not able to attend and we missed him greatly! It was not the same without him....
in no particular order:)....
Guice goin' to town!

Good stuff! A boy and his balloons!
G with his hat, I remembered it after everyone had left!
Checking out his new toys!

Emery Jai got a tricycle! G's cake!

Blowing out his candle! Happy birthday sweet baby boy.....
My dear friend Linzi and my sweet sweet Rodney Lane!

Allison & Emery Jai! G opening Gifts!
Helping Mommy!

He really just wanted a balloon!
Wooo Hooo Balloons!

NoNo Allison & Emery Jai!

Eating like a big boy!