Monday, October 13, 2008

Living in mena!

So much has happened I don't know where to start! First, we both have jobs. I am working at a Chiropractic clinic and Josh is working for a local company. Josh, David, and Brad moved all our stuff here over the weekend. They did it in under 24 hours, very impressive considering it is a 10 hour drive. I wish they could have brought our house;). I am missing it, already. We are staying with Josh's mom for the moment. The move happened much faster than we had planed. The kiddo's are loving it. They go to school two days a week, with Mimi 1 1/2 days, and with Daddy on Fridays. It has been a huge adjustment leaving them to go to work. I miss them terribly and have cried everyday. I want to stay home now more than ever and hope I can again. It does help that the kids are in great hands but I just want them in my hands! I am starting to tear up... more later.
I can't post pics (I am blogging from work) but I have a ton of super cute ones! Including a video of EJ singing with Mimi at church and G hangin' out with Papa!


Lesley said...

I'm so sorry you have to go back to work!! I know you are missing the kids! Things will work out for the best though. Just be patient.

Lindsay said...

So glad you're back among us!