Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dance Recital!!

Emery Jai & Guice had their recital this weekend! It was so much fun and also a tad stressful. EJ & G had a blast and we are so proud of them for working very hard this year! EJ did awesome! She loves to dance! G had a blast and rocked it, until that is our mother son dance. He didn't want to dance with me and has said from the time we started to practice it he wasn't going to do it. Well, true to his word he did not. Guice ran off stage and left me standing there!! The entire place erupted in laughter! He thought I was helping him dance and according to him he is a fantastic dancer and I am not! HA! We are really so very proud of them, they did awesome! EJ & G were fearless, never once blinked being in front of a ton of people. They ate it up! Dance will definitely be on the agenda for next fall. I have to say, I LOVE being a mom!
EJ had her hair done for the big night! Evergrace hanging out! She got so upset when she didn't get to have her hair curled!

NeNa giving her DIET COKE!

Our dragon!

Beautiful!! Our little Shirley Temple!

G and his helmet! Pop & NeNa bought it as a bribe errr reward because he said he was going to dance with me...he didn't, as you know, and still has the helmet!

Evergrace LOVES Spinellis!

G on stage! Sharp lookin man!

how cute is she?!??!?!?!?!

Their buds in the class....Maddie & Bree!

Mommy & G before the run off.....

A few sweet moments with my man!


Brother & Sister love HA!!!

**** I did not get near the pics I wanted! When NeNa mails me her CD I will post tons more....including a few of Evergrace in her dance outfit! It was too cute!

also, special thanks to Pop, NeNa, MiMi, Uncle Jamie, & Aunt Tina for celebrating our big night with us!

Thursday, May 27, 2010


E is a super climber, takes after her older brother. EJ never got a chance to climb, we never put her down long enough:)! As much as I adore my retro black & gold one of a kind highchair we must replace it with something that has a higher level of safety, shouldn't be that hard :)! I found the chair at a flea market when EJ was around 5 months old, I love it! Super funky & unique but at this time I am going to give all that up for function.
We start like this.....briefly Go for the turn....

hamin' it up!
And we end up like this......

bed bugs!


Emery Jai & Guice are having a blast playing Tball! They are sooo cute! EJ & G are convinced that they are the greatest to ever play the game! HA! G says "I hit that ball so very hard and I ran really fast!" EJ tells me at least once a day that she is awesome and baseball and is going to play on tv! They have a wonderful coach, Scott Vacca. Josh gets to coach when he can get away from the restaurant....not as often as we would like.
#1 FAN! Blue Elephants!

He rocks!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

overly busy!

Sunday: Two church services
Monday: I work (more on that in another post:))
Tuesday: Library, play group, and Tball
Wednesday: Dance class @ 4:30 & 5:30, Church
Thursday: work
Friday: Tball
Saturday: play group
We are so very busy! It is crazy! I have a ton of post I need to publish, I just need TIME!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Our chunk da funk is topping the charts!
weight 22 lbs
length 31 in
head circumference 20 in

not feeling to bloggy....

I haven't really felt like blogging. It is due to many issues, not just the camera but in part the camera issue. No need to fret Josh has replaced my camera. Stay tuned for much anticipated new pics! I had a huge post about the fakeness of blogs all laid out in my mind. That however, was earlier today before my littlest nursed for hours straight coupled with my oldest two and their shenanigans has left me needing sleep much more than needing to scream from my soap box. I have mustered enough energy to say....This is my record of my life. If I am going to accurately record happenings I must include not so bright and shinny moments also.

too funny.....

Saturday, May 1, 2010

For the record...

I fell in a hole today and twisted my ankle... really, really, bad. Our loyal family dog, Bethlehem ran inside to get me help. I am so proud of her. See, normally she runs for the mountains (I do not hold this against her. I would run for the mountains if EJ, G, & E were my "owners"). This time she went to find me help. She has secured her place in the Anderson household for many years to come. Josh had to carry me inside, I am sure the neighbors were taking pics and video for YouTube. Josh hit my head on the door, hard. Last time he carried me over the threshold it went a lot smoother. I was, however, about 40 lbs lighter. That is neither here nor there. I finally waved the white flag of surrender and had my wonderful friend rescue me or the kids according to them. I was in, their words, "no fun." They are currently having a ball at Brenda's home. Evergrace too. This is the longest I have ever been away from her chubby little knees. It has been about 2 hours. I am anxiously awaiting the hubs to bring me sweet relief, ibuprofen. Can't have the good stuff because of all the lactating I do!
That is it for the record.

9 Months!

It is hard to believe that 9 months ago i was holding my itty bitty newborn! I could give birth to an even dozen and still marvel at how much the little monkeys grow and learn the first year. Evergrace like her siblings is destine for greatness, I just know it! No, I am not at all biased....
She is pulling up and cruising around the furniture. Evergrace can say bye bye, momma, daddy, and hi. EJ & G are dying for her to say their names, I think they might have to wait on that:). E is already a climber! She climbs out of her highchair and climbs on everything! She already tries to get up on the couch, a helmet and full body pads are in this kids near future. E is a wonderful baby as long as she is being held. If I have the nerve to sit her on the floor she flips out, majorly. E loves her big sister and big brother. She loves to watch them and boss them. Evergrace is rough with them. She pulls their hair, bites, and pinches them. At just over 9 months she holds her own.
She is only nursing at night now, or I should say she is nursing all night now. We are having HUGE sleep issues. I know this is very typical for exclusively breastfed babies to nurse all night but wow, I would like sleep! I just keep telling myself that it is worth it. That is my mantra while nursing......She loves loves loves food! Table food that is. Her taste buds are much too evolved for mashed plain steamed fruits and veggies. She signs more, milk, water, and we are working on all done.
We are very much taken with our miss precious!