Saturday, May 1, 2010

9 Months!

It is hard to believe that 9 months ago i was holding my itty bitty newborn! I could give birth to an even dozen and still marvel at how much the little monkeys grow and learn the first year. Evergrace like her siblings is destine for greatness, I just know it! No, I am not at all biased....
She is pulling up and cruising around the furniture. Evergrace can say bye bye, momma, daddy, and hi. EJ & G are dying for her to say their names, I think they might have to wait on that:). E is already a climber! She climbs out of her highchair and climbs on everything! She already tries to get up on the couch, a helmet and full body pads are in this kids near future. E is a wonderful baby as long as she is being held. If I have the nerve to sit her on the floor she flips out, majorly. E loves her big sister and big brother. She loves to watch them and boss them. Evergrace is rough with them. She pulls their hair, bites, and pinches them. At just over 9 months she holds her own.
She is only nursing at night now, or I should say she is nursing all night now. We are having HUGE sleep issues. I know this is very typical for exclusively breastfed babies to nurse all night but wow, I would like sleep! I just keep telling myself that it is worth it. That is my mantra while nursing......She loves loves loves food! Table food that is. Her taste buds are much too evolved for mashed plain steamed fruits and veggies. She signs more, milk, water, and we are working on all done.
We are very much taken with our miss precious!


The Anderson family said...

sounds like she is getting so big! can't wait to see you guys soon!

The Flores' said...

If yours is nine months, that means mine will be right around the corner . . our "babies" are getting too big too fast!! Lily Kate was a climber at a young age too - I am curious to see if that will be the case with Miss Isabelle. Miss seeing pictures, hurry up and get a camera already! lol :o)

Lindsay said...

Okay, you are going to think I am a nutcase, no wait, this is just going to confirm the fact. I am so super jealous that you aren't getting sleep bc little miss is nursing all night. I miss nursing! So much so that I would give up an awful lot of sleep for it. One, you can eat a house and not look like one, two, it's just precious, and three, well, I can't think of a three, but there is one I know.

Anyway, as hard as it is to do, enjoy it! Even when you are so sick of laying on your side you consider propping the kid up on three pillows so that you can get some back sleeping going on.

Ha! Love you!!!