Monday, January 31, 2011

Guess what I am doing....

PACKING!!!! Yes, for real! It was a huge snowball effect started with our house. It is in horrible structural condition and nothing electric, plumbing, or heating is up to code. We were to secure financing the first of the year, do to the homes issues we would be unable to. Also, Josh lost his job. He was fired. Basically she could not afford to pay him anymore. No notice no severance package, nothing. So, that was kick in the face number two. We have decided to make lemonade out of lemons! We are moving back to central Arkansas and Josh is going to go back to school to get his masters in education! It is not going to be an easy 18 months or so..but it will be so worth it! It will be much more dependable than restaurant management not to mention the hours will ROCK! We are going to miss our tiny town a little but are very excited about moving back HOME! The monkeys are thrilled to be living closer to Pop & NeNa as are we:)! We have found a house to rent. It is super cute but about 1/3 the size of our current home so we are in the middle of downsizing BIG time! Well....I have procrastinated long enough and Josh is giving me the evil eye to get up and get to packing:)!

No longer a nursing mom....

That's right folks Evergrace is weaned! It is bitter sweet, much more sweet than bitter however:). I am enjoying these 2 months of not lactating. HA! I really wanted her weaned before the new baby and Josh has had some unexpected time off so it was a perfect time to wean. I am so glad Evergrace got only breast milk, no formula and was exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months before solids were introduced. Breastfeeding E wasn't a walk in the park by any means. I battled mastitis and E had a HUGE night time nursing addiction:). She was latched on at night all night and could not sleep at all unless she was latched. E wouldn't take a bottle of expressed milk so she was my constant companion for a whole year. We dealt with nursing strikes and growth spurts and biting issues. All very much worth it to give my little one only liquid gold for just shy of 18 months!

Emery Jai's 5th Birthday Extravaganza!!

Emery Jai's birthday was not a party in the traditional cake, ice cream, screaming kids, kind of event. EJ told us months before her big day all she wanted for her party was to go out of town with just her Daddy and I! It was a blast! We went to Hot Springs, Little Rock, and then ended up in Conway. Pop & NeNa came and got the other two monkeys for the weekend and they could not have been more excited about that:)! Josh and I had a blast hanging out with just EJ! She is the most amazing 5 year old EVER! She is excelling in school. Her teacher tells us how smart, bright, sweet, outgoing, and wonderful she is. All things we already knew, of course:). She is so well behaved at school hasn't been in trouble one time. EJ loves loves loves to learn. EJ is developing such a heart for God! She is very assertive, self-assured, and confident. Five years has flown by, I remember perfectly the day she was born and was placed in my arms! I am so very proud of the young lady she is becoming and look forward to the next 5 years. Josh and I pray above all she has a fierce love for the LORD and is obedient to his calling on her life.

***I took about a million pics. I will post at another time because my computer is on the fritz!

Friday, January 21, 2011


That is where I am. So much to blog about but I can not seem to focus. We have a ton going on, I would love to blog about that. However, it is still very much a secret mainly because I have no clue who, if anyone, reads my blog. I am so preoccupied that my new years resolutions have fallen by the side. I am reading my bible more but not nearly enough. Anyway, just a quick note to say nothing really other than I am preoccupied.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

31 Weeks & 6 Days!

Has it been two weeks already?!?! Nothing new to report, thankfully:)! I am measuring 36 wks! My blood pressure was perfect 110/60. Hollis' heart rate was 140 and he was moving around a ton!
So thankful for my uneventful and even sometimes boring pregnancy:)!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Potty Training Time!!

It is once again that time in the Anderson household, woooohooo!! Evergrace is 17 months old, same age that EJ was when she was potty trained, it is time:)! She has been very successful! I am looking forward to being diaper free at least for a couple of months.
Big girl on the potty!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Evergrace took a little trip....

to the E.R.! Super scary. E is a climber, as were my previous two. She had pushed a chair up to the kitchen island where I was cooking she turned it around and was standing on the back. For whatever reason I picked her up and put her up on the counter. I knew when I did it was a bad plan. About 10 seconds later I turned for a split second and she fell smack on her head. I was so close she almost landed on my shoe. The impact knocked her out cold! I almost fainted. I called Josh to come home and take us to the Emergency Room. I was in a complete panic. Evergrace, of course, was out of it when she came to. Horrendous situation. We insisted on a C.T. and Praise God everything was absolutely normal! Evergrace went right back to climbing everything in sight, she is doing wonderful. I, on the other hand, feel like a completely craptastic mom. As crazy as it is the other two monkeys also had C.T. scans around 18 months, guess it is a family tradition:)!

Hollis in 4d!!

I'll just start by saying he did NOT cooperate in any form or fashion. We did not get a single face shot. In fact the only 4d we got was of his butt! HA! We do know with 100% accuracy his is in fact a boy! It appears he has a TON of hair! It was floating all around in the scan. Our tech said its a lot and it is long. Also, he is a chunk! At 30 weeks he weighs FIVE lbs! The average weight is around 3 lbs. She asked how big our last one was and I told her10.5 she said this one is well on his way to that. She was very apologetic about the lack of face pics, she said Hollister gets the award for worst baby ever. Sounds about right:)! I am a bit disappointed about not seeing his sweet little face, but am looking that much more forward to the surprise in March. Until then I can stare at the pic of his sweet little bottom:)!
pics of our mystery man!


Snow Angels!!

Sunday night we got a ton of snow! I had to work on Monday (super sad) but Josh took the kids out to play and made sure to take pictures for me! He is simply the greatest husband EVER! I cried when I looked at the pics, I can not stand that I missed it! I only work one day a week but I don't want to miss a single second with my kids. I really like my job I just like hanging out my my monkeys more:)!
Guice having a blast! Three of the sweetest little ones I know!

Evergrace was a bit unsure of the cold.

Guice jumping like spiderman!
Ready for the SNOW!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mr. Hollis' Check Up:)!

I had my last monthly appointment today. I start going every two weeks now, hoping this makes the time fly by:)! Everything looked great! I passed my glucose test with flying colors and my blood count was perfect. I already knew both of those, I looked them up while I was at work:). I scheduled my 4D for Tuesday and am super excited about seeing his chubby cheeks! My last ultrasound was 19 weeks so I haven't seen him in forever! Just for fun I measured my girth and I am 50 in. around! YIKES! Also, I had a break down when I had to turn around on the scales because I no longer fit the correct way. Here are my current stats:
weight gain....yep:)
Blood pressure 110/70
Heart Rate 130
Measuring 33 wks

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello 2011!!

We had a fabulous 2010 but are so looking forward to 2011! We have a HUGE surprise coming up, seriously HUGE! It is amazing!! Stay tuned for the announcement! Yes, all 6 of my blog readers I am sure will be on pins and needles:)! Of course, we are anxiously awaiting welcoming our 4th child, second son, into our family! I am so excited about march 18th or somewhere around there:)! This is going to be a big year! Emery Jai will be turning 5 and starting Kindergarten! Guice will start Preschool, so hard to believe! Evergrace will become a big sister and turn two! Josh and I will celebrate our 6th wedding anniversary, time flies when you are having a blast!
I have made a couple of Resolutions that I am going to post for accountability but reserve the right to change my mind and fall off the wagon:)! Without farther ado.........

New Year Resolutions 2011!!!!!
1 Read my bible in 90 days
2 Incorporate family worship into everyday
3 Dates with the hubs at least 1time a month
4 Keep my my house clean and organized
5 Cook only gluten and dairy free meals in our home
6 Drop all my baby weight....this one will be a bit delayed:)
7 Blog more!


Evergrace with Lucky in a scissor hold:)! What a cutie!!

We are all adjusting nicely to having a kitten in our home! The kids LOVE LOVE LOVE him! The only issue we have is sharing lucky:). Poor Lucky is sometimes in the middle of a tug a war with the kids....Evergrace is the worst about not sharing turns holding him. He is growing like a weed and playing a ton! He did have a couple of nights where we was waking us up in the middle of the night to play, hopefully we are over that!
Evergrace holding Lucky!