Saturday, February 18, 2012


We did do halloween this year.....probably will not be doing it again.....i did enjoy dressing the kids up...i made EJ 's mermaid costume.....the end:)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Where should I start??

Oh my word, it has been FOREVER! My sincere apologies to my three readers! Honestly, I am a bit sad that I have missed out on documenting the last 6 months of our lives for my virtual scrapbook. I am a working mother of four kids 6 and under, just sayin'! Updating everything that has happened (there has been a lot!) is severely overwhelming. Just a warning my blog might be a bit retrospective and slightly random for a bit....what's that?!?! Nothing new?? I beg your pardon :)?!? I bet you have missed my overuse of !! & ??, poor grammar, even worse spelling, and of course my run on sentences! I have missed my comments.....oh, wait I never get any:)!
Moving right along to the true reason I KIDDOS! I should add that if you are at all sensitive to parents bragging on their children look away now, no seriously look away...this is shameless bragging at its best or worst depending on how you feel about it. I can't help myself, I am so very proud of my kids, not in a sin like pride kinda way, just in a hey I really love my kids kinda way:)!
Emery Jai~ EJ is, and always has been, such an amazing little girl! She is so so so smart! She could NOT be doing any better in school, honestly she couldn't she has a 100%! She is the only kid in the class who has not been on circle! All the first grade teachers are already fighting over who gets her in class. Most importantly, she is developing such a heart for God! EJ is constantly asking questions and talking about God. LOVE IT! Every morning when I drop her off I ask her what is the one and only thing that matters, to which she replies Who I am in Christ. Also I remind her to let her light shine for the Lord, then she is out the door into the wide wide world of school! Her current favorite things include anything art related and of course hello kitty and last but not least READING! She just had her birthday which she has opted to spend time on a mini vaca with just us like last year. SO FUN! She is super tall 4 feet 1.5in and is 70 lbs!
Guice~ Boo is turning into quite the little man! He is such a joy in our lives! Boo is doing great at school aka daycare. His teacher is forever bragging on how smart he is and his excellent behavior. She says he sets the example for the whole class! Music to a momma's ears for sure!! He loves learning and spending time with all his friends! He is very much all boy! At least once a week he comes home with ripped pants from playing hard outside with friends and is rarely found without his super hero cape! Yesterday I over heard him tell Hollis to catch, I quickly said H is a baby he can't catch. To which Boo replied He can catch with his face! Ha! His favorite things include any and all super heroes, transformers, bugs, and balls.
Evergrace~ Ever is still our little dragon. She is fierce. EG is my little slice of humble pie. She is our first child to receive timeout from anyone other than us or Grandparents. Yes, EG goes to timeout at school on a semi-regular basis. What does she go for you ask? Well, a viriaty of things including throwing a boys shoes over the fence, telling her teacher not to tell her no that it hurts her feelings, standing on tables, and bossing other children. She is a handful. She will only let her teacher fix her hair, she looks pretty shabby on the weekends. She wears a tutu at all times over pants, dresses herself and almost never remotely matches what so ever. When we ask her to do something we do not get the typical NO two year old response Ever says NEVER! We are thinking of changing her name to Nevergrace. Favorite things include anything her brother or sister is playing with or things that she cannot have.
Hollister~ Sweet baby Hollis, our least documented child but just as loved! I have really dropped the proverbial ball with his monthly updates! He is just so sweet! He just turned 11 months. He is saying mama, dada, bath, ball, nini, and a plethora of grunts :). All his sisters and his brother are fighting over whose name he will say first. They adore him! He can stand up from the floor alone and is so close to walking. He loves music, singing, and playing in the potty. He is a beast. Super chunky and LONG. He is so very handsome he gets called a girl most days, even in all blue or brown. He is a very very happy baby! He is still nursing! With much determination, dedication, and absolute stubbornness I have been able to pump and give him breast milk exclusively while I have worked full time. By far one of the most stressful and hardest things EVER. I have a very ridged pumping scheduled that requires me to be up at 4 a.m. 7 days a week. It is all worth it! This week we have introduced goat it if you want to know why we choose that over cows milk....he loves it and has had no negative reaction to it. He loves food and eats like a horse!
Things are going so well but we have had our share of bumps in the road. We have had to change daycare's due to an issue with Guice that almost sent this mom to prison....just kidding...kinda. Pumping has sent me to the brink of insanity on semi-weekly basis if not daily. Glad I was able to do it, glad when it will be over. I have told josh that I will throw a party for myself and set my pump on fire while we all eat cereal with breastmilk...again kidding....kinda. Also, Josh worked nights for about 4 months which left me a single working mom, or at least that is what it felt like. I love love love my job but there are times I miss staying home. I am blessed with wonderful coworkers who encourage me and remind me that God has given me a gift for helping others. It is one of my talents. We are super busy with Church, awesome thing! We are at Church about 4 days a week. It is a huge commitment and leaves little time for much else but really what else matters? It is after all why we live where we live.
So much more to say next time I will say it with pictures :)!