Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Lindsay shared with me about this sermon and encouraged me to watch. I have just finished it, only moments ago. My eyes are still wet with tears of conviction. I invite EVERY SINGLE person to find a time, about an hour, to view this. It is, honesty, life changing.

i have removed my music...no need to pause it.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Updates, Updates, Get Your Updates!!

*Evergrace is almost crawling! she is scooting around everywhere and getting up on her knees! So very exciting, my baby is on the move....sort of!

*Emery Jai asked Josh to get her some juice, he told her just a second and she replied "Do it now or I will destroy your whole family!" hmmm....someone has been watching T.V. at the grandparents house:)!

*Guice has to go to a dermatologist about his eczema. When I told him he would be going he asked if the doctor was going to use scissors to cut it off! Bless his heart!

*I am reading a coulpe of super awesome books! I will review when I am done...so far they are great!

*Evergrace has TWO teeth!

*She is eating a tiny bit and nursing a whole lot:). I gave her a sippy cup (her first experience with anything of that sort, E hasn't had a bottle) and she turned it straight up!

*Emery Jai & Guice have a recital coming up! I am just as excited as they are! EJ loves dance, she is the youngest in her class but picks up the steps very well. G is great at tumbling and that stuff. At the end of every class they free dance...G just runs! I think it is a boy thing:)!

*EJ asked Josh (aka Daddy Bear) if he had a girlfriend.

*Evergrace is super loud, she comes by it honestly. The other two do not have a soft voice in the least.

*Emery Jai & Guice are enjoying homeschool! I plan a detailed post on this including curriculum, materials, and such.

*I have started buying clothes for summer. EJ is a size 7, G is sporting 4T, and E is in 12-18 months.

*G loves gloves. He has several pairs and wears them all the time.

*Emery Jai loves Bethlehem. She is constantly taking care of her. So sweet!

Monday, February 15, 2010


and i am sick of it:)!! bring on spring!

two for certain and one almost for sure...

Josh and I have been diligently praying and seeking the Lord's will for our family. In the process we have made two life altering decisions. As momentous as they are I am not the least bit nervous or anxious about them. Praise the Lord for peace!! Anyway, in no particular order..... announcement number one, we will be homeschooling our children! I am very excited! I am not going to go on and on about our reasons, I cleared it up in the first sentence of this post:). On to number two, we are filling out paper work to become foster parents. If you are unsure about this please, again, refer to the first sentence of this post. Lastly, I am seriously praying and researching, but mostly praying about becoming an LLLI leader.
That is about all the excitement around here, for now anyway!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Style Icon!!

In the making!
To answer a few questions....yes, I let her wear this out of the house. To church actually. Nope, I was not the least bit embarrassed. Well...because I told everyone it was her Daddys fault:)!!

Thanks Mrs. Holli for the tutu! She LOVES it:)!!

Happy Birthday Nanny!!

We had a huge surprise party for Nanny's (Joshua's maternal grandmother) 80th birthday! She was floored! A bunch of cousins came in from out of town, it was my first time to meet some of them. Nanny was so very surprised! I thought she was going to faint! She cried which made all of us cry! Everyone stood up and shared a special memory of her. It was very sweet!
Me and Evergrace!

Kylee, Emery Jai, & Hannah! Emery Jai loved hanging out with her cousins!

Nanny & Evergrace!

Mimi & Evergrace!

Worn out from all the partying!!

EJ hangin with Uncle David & Aunt Kelley!


Megan & E!

Emery Jai , Chelsea, & Cheyenne!

Guyboo & Daddy!!

Reunited & it feels so good!!

The oldest two monkeys are home! They spent a fun filled week at Pop & NeNa's! They had a blast and were spoiled rotten! We have started the deprogramming and reintroducing them to the real world:)!
They could not wait to cuddle Evergrace!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dance Class Party!!

Ms. Vivianna had a wonderful party for all her dancers! The kids had a blast! Emery Jai and Guice got to dress up and be treated like royalty!! EJ & G love dance, they ask to go every single day, without fail! They are looking forward to their up coming recital. It is going to be so very cute! I am so very glad that we decided to enroll them. Emery Jai has a bad habit of STARING at her self in the mirror. Not just catching a glimpse of herself but turning her head staring to the point it interferes with her practicing! We discuss this over and over....:)! She really loves it but bless her heart, she has her Daddy's rhythm. Which means she has none. Guice, on the other hand, is quite the little dancer! Emery Jai is good, she knows all the moves and is very expressive. But, for Guice it comes more naturally I guess. Any time Emery Jai is asked to demonstrate a free dance she hits the floor and rolls:)!! Trust me it is NOT that kind of dance school:)! I am so happy with Ms. Vivianna! She adores kids! Vivianna is so so good with them, unbelievably patient.
Guice is the luckiest little two year old boy in ALL the world!! So so so cute, if I do say so myself!

Emery Jai! I am so proud of her! She is the youngest in her class!

All the pretty princesses! Emery Jai looked precious! She whole heartily believes she is a princess:), and the other girls were just her court. Because, after all she had the biggest crown!!

Emery Jai and her class doing a craft.

Friday, February 5, 2010

All About The Kids!!

*Guice's is hilarious! Really! He called NeNa and said "NeNa, come to Mena in your truck. Pick me up. Take me to walmart. Get a buggy and buy me that kitchen RIGHT NOW!" And, yes, I talked to him about bossing and asking nicely and not getting every single thing he wants. But, guess what. NeNa came and got him and did just what he asked/told her!
*EJ & G call Josh Big Bear, he loves it!
*EJ loves to preform! She makes up her own songs and dances! So cute....the first 20 of the day anyway:)!
*EJ requested that her next birthday party be Jesus themed. Also, she wants to grow up to be Jesus.
*EJ ask that I pray for guidance in her life:)! Will do!
*Evergrace can pass toys back and forth in her hands.
*One night I told Guice we were only going to read one book. To which he responded "but, I have two vitamins!"
*G is still super particular about his clothes! Everything must be just so so.
*When eating a drum stick (ice cream), he makes NeNa eat off the "dirt" aka chocolate and nuts:)!
*G always wants to go to Mena and eat at the Branding Iron and he wants to order a steak! I can usually talk him out of it and he orders a cheeseburger.
*When we are around other children EJ automatically gravitates to older kids...every single time!
*EJ & G both make friends super easy and play great with others. They are nowhere near shy or timid. So much for the must-go-to-school-for-socialization-theory!
*Out of the blue one day Emery Jai asked me "How do they put your bottom back together after you have a baby?" I just changed the subject! She hasn't given up and asks on a semi-regular schedule.
*If you tell Guice to be quiet he starts singing the wise man built his house on a rock as loud as he can. A tell tell sign that G is ready for sleep is he starts telling everyone to shut up. he also turns over chairs and basically losses his mind.
*G is also having a hard time with what he can and can't do. I told him he could not drive his jeep on the road. He said "But you drive on the road!" Also he got an out door kitchen but it was much to cold to allow him to play outside with it. He said "But the boy on the box is playing outside! The kitchen goes outside!" I informed him that he could not have water in it. He said "Why not? Your kitchen has water!"
*Evergrace squeals until EJ and/or G run to her.
*Evergrace has not figured out how to go from sitting to laying down without falling. She just closes her eyes and falls! I think it will be a while until she crawls, she does not like to be on her tummy!
*E loves the moby, cries when I take her out! I am still not a fan, but Evergrace is the important one, right!?!
*EJ & G both really love going to church. The also enjoy listening to Bible stories and singing praise music!
*If EJ has a boo boo she will not show you! Will not!
*EJ & G like to pray for each other.

Huston we have a....

bye bye gummy grin.....
Evergrace's very first tooth is just peeking through!

And because I forgot to post them....
weight 20lbs 14oz
length 283/4in
head circumference 18in
all above the 100%!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bath Time!!!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Evergrace Wimberly is 6 months!!

Well, 6 months and some change:)!! Evergrace is such a little mess, spoiled rotten!! I really thought that children get less spoiled the more you have, not the case here! She LOVES to be held or worn either one works. Just as long as her booty does not hit the floor or jumper or couch! I am being very persistent with feeding her solids, she is being very persistent not eating solids. I am not giving up! She nurses ALL the time, there are days that I am nursing more often in a 24 hour period than not. She still has not had a bottle, I am thinking at this point she will not have one. I have started signing with her, she is learning milk. She can not do it just yet but tries very hard. I love teaching signs. I have with EJ & G and will with any and all other children as well. I think it is very beneficial to their communication and it is just plain fun! Evergrace is a squealer! If she wants something she just yells! E smiles all of the time and loves people and attention. Her personality reminds us of EJ & G's at this age! She has a ton of personality, a ton! She is still the toothless wonder. Which is fine by me, I adore her gummy grin!
I take her for her 6 month check up tomorrow!

Cloth Diaper Cutie!!

I HEART my cloth diapers! LOVE them, really do! They are super easy to use and very absorbent. Josh and I are both very glad we ordered them!
My cutie!! Is she not gorgeous?!?! Side view of E in a purple one! They come in 5 colors!

All smiles! She loves them too!

Front view!

another one...her belly is kinda in the way:)!

Close up of the diaper! buttoned up to fit a newborn!

Size Lg. That is the way E wears them...there are more snaps around the waist.

Size medium