Sunday, July 31, 2011

Guice Brewer is FOUR!

Seriously, where does time go? The days are so long and the years are heartbreakingly short. Guyboo is our sweet little man! He is all boy, unless you count the painted toe nails:). We adore him so much! Bits and pieces of what he is like at FOUR!
*He is an absolute doll 95% of the time. BUT, if the mood strikes him watch out. There is no reasoning with him. These episodes have gotten shorter and less frequent, thank you JESUS!
*Feeding Guice sugar and or tons of processed foods will make him nuts. He also has to play hard for a good part of the day, or again, he is nuts.
*He loves super hero's and mean men! Also, has quite the collection of wrestlers. Although, we do not watch wrestling on T.V..
*Guice wants to be called either Guyboo or Peter Parker. He doesn't like the name Guice.
*Boo LOVES Hollister! LOVES him! He will do anything I ask when it comes to his baby brother!
*G is a big eater! He isn't picky, just likes to eat! He still loves fruit. Kiwi and strawberries are two of his favorites. He would eat 6 bananas a day, if I would let him.
*He likes to help around the house. Which is great because it is best to keep him busy:).
*He says he is gonna play football when he is older and have lots of babies but not get married. Awesome.
*When I ask him to pick up his toys he told me "I am waiting on God to tell me what to do. He is in my heart!" So, basically if he doesn't want to do something he just says he is waiting on God to tell him to do it.
*He asks 1000000 questions a day. It wears me out! Lately, he is obsessed with how Hollis drank boobie milk from his umbilical cord. Yep, explain that to a 4 year old.
*When the kids are playing EJ is Allkindsofgirls, G is Allkindsofboys, & EG is Chili.

Evergrace is TWO!

Our dragon turned two! So hard to believe! Evergrace is such a handful! Her nickname is Dragon, and she has earned it. Lets just say she knows what she wants and isn't going to take no for an answer. We are so in love with her and looking forward to seeing who she becomes! Some tidbits about little miss Evergrace..
*She is big for her age but tiny to us! She is 31 lbs and tall for her age (I'll post height soon) but compared to EJ & G at 2 she is a shrimp.
*NeNa brought shakes over one afternoon and EG raised her hands in the air and started singing Praise God Praise God! She loves to praise HIM!
*Is potty trained!
*She insists on going to the big kid Sunday school. She says she is not a baby!
*She loves loves loves books & puzzles! She likes to read to Hollis who she calls baby Saul.
*EG pulls hair and bites EJ & G, 99% of the time it is completely unprovoked.
*We turned her car seat around! She is a happy girl. Jai & Boo are not so happy about it.
*If someone else has a toy she immediately wants it. It is madding, really.
*She sleeps from 7-7 in her crib. She loves her bed!
*Naps are still an issue. She wakes up too early and wants to be held while she sleeps. Trying to break that habit, it isn't going well at all.
*Her favorite color is pink. If it ain't pink she don't want it! She says her hair is pink!
*She dresses herself every morning within 10 min of waking up. Her outfit usually consist of a sundress, pants, jacket, and shoes.
*She still says she is Pop's girl when asked.
* She talks nonstop! Her vocabulary grows everyday! She is, and has been, speaking in sentences.
*EG is a big eater! LOVES food! And any kind of it! She isn't picky in the least.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

One baby....super sized please!

Little Hippie Momma!

She is a baby wearing, exclusive breastfeeding, cloth diapering, co-sleeping, attachment parenting, stay at home mommy:)!

Something is missing.....

Emery Jai's tooth! Our big girl lost her first tooth! I admit I cried and cried about it! She is growing so very fast! wasn't she just my tiny newborn, she was right? She told me her tooth was wiggly and I told her it wasn't, I was so wrong on that one! When I felt it was loose I cried! She (as well as the dragon & Boo) got to pick out a special toy at walmart. She was so big she didn't cry at all when I pulled it! The Dragon has been mad as a hornet since, she wants her tooth to be pulled! She has tried and tried to get one out! She is a NUT! I know she will be a snagle tooth in a short time too! Emery Jai is the cutest little gaped tooth kid EVER!

Sleepy Superhero!

How cute is he!?!?!!? Sweet as sugar.....while he is sleeping at least:)!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Say is isn't so!?!?!?!

My little miss is going to KINDERGARTEN! She had a week of testing and introduction to the school and her teachers! She LOVED it! She did very well, she takes after her Momma:)! EJ will get to participate in extra classes and projects because of her high test scores! Yes ma'am, this IS me bragging on my kiddo! We lucked into a really good zone, so far we are very pleased with the school. Praying that it stays that way:)! Although I am a bit nostalgic, her childhood is flying by, I am looking forward to all the fun that comes with school! Please pray for us as we enter this new and extremely exciting chapter!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy 4 Months Hollister Timothy!

Little ( I use that term loosely:)) is 4 months! He is such a wonderful baby! So very happy and easy going for the most part! He loves to be held and get loveins! He can sit up for short amounts of time and is reaching for EVERYTHING! He is super interested in food, not sure where we stand on that. I have always waited until at least 6 months, but *might* give in a wee bit earlier this time. Lucky Hollis. He is weighing a bit over 21 lbs on our home scales and is 29 inches long! HUGEEEEEEEE baby! He will take a bottle of pumped milk if he has to but prefers it straight from the source! He is very social, just like his older siblings at his age. He is still sleeping all night long! We finally got off our lazy rears and put up his baby bed, he did great! We are so blessed to have him as a part of our tribe!