Sunday, July 31, 2011

Evergrace is TWO!

Our dragon turned two! So hard to believe! Evergrace is such a handful! Her nickname is Dragon, and she has earned it. Lets just say she knows what she wants and isn't going to take no for an answer. We are so in love with her and looking forward to seeing who she becomes! Some tidbits about little miss Evergrace..
*She is big for her age but tiny to us! She is 31 lbs and tall for her age (I'll post height soon) but compared to EJ & G at 2 she is a shrimp.
*NeNa brought shakes over one afternoon and EG raised her hands in the air and started singing Praise God Praise God! She loves to praise HIM!
*Is potty trained!
*She insists on going to the big kid Sunday school. She says she is not a baby!
*She loves loves loves books & puzzles! She likes to read to Hollis who she calls baby Saul.
*EG pulls hair and bites EJ & G, 99% of the time it is completely unprovoked.
*We turned her car seat around! She is a happy girl. Jai & Boo are not so happy about it.
*If someone else has a toy she immediately wants it. It is madding, really.
*She sleeps from 7-7 in her crib. She loves her bed!
*Naps are still an issue. She wakes up too early and wants to be held while she sleeps. Trying to break that habit, it isn't going well at all.
*Her favorite color is pink. If it ain't pink she don't want it! She says her hair is pink!
*She dresses herself every morning within 10 min of waking up. Her outfit usually consist of a sundress, pants, jacket, and shoes.
*She still says she is Pop's girl when asked.
* She talks nonstop! Her vocabulary grows everyday! She is, and has been, speaking in sentences.
*EG is a big eater! LOVES food! And any kind of it! She isn't picky in the least.


The Anderson family said...

She sounds like a HOOT!! Happy Birthday Evergrace! Looking forward to seeing you in action soon ;)