Tuesday, March 27, 2007


The Anderson household is bottle free (for a few months anyway)! Emery Jai had her last bottle about 2 weeks ago. She was CRANKY for about a week. This is about day 4, she did not want her picture taken. She is so funny, very strong willed and determined. We can not believe that she is 14 months old. She loves singing, music, dancing, and reading. She sings loud and proud in church, the car, in a store, basically anywhere.
Our next big project is potty training. Emery Jai has already tee-teed in the potty several times, but we are still a long way from being potty trained!


Everything is great! I can not believe I am 21 weeks, it is going so fast. Finley will be here before we know it! I have been feeling fabulous! I know that I look a little big for 21 weeks (this pic is at 19 weeks, so I'm a little bigger now), but it is so funny to see people's reaction when they ask when I am due. The twin comment is getting old! I haven't gained any weight, I'm so excited with Emery Jai I was already up 60lbs! We are looking forward to our next appointment on the 10th .

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Finley Guice

Here are some pictures of our little guy! The ultra sound went well and it was confirmed it is a boy. Everything looks great, we are so thankful. According to his size my due date is July 23, so he is a big boy. We have ordered his embroidered baby bedding so the name is final! Finley Guice, Finley because we like it and Guice is after my maternal Grandfather.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Emery Jai in Nashville!!

Saturday, March 10, 2007


We have been so busy I haven't had a chance to blog. Everything is going very well. Emery Jai is growing so fast, she does something new everyday. She has been learning new signs, Emery picks them up so fast. She keeps me very busy, I'm starting to wonder if I will have time for another one (a little late now!). We are leaving for Nashville on Sunday to see Josh and have another ultra sound on Tuesday. I can't wait until we live in the same state!

Emery Jai with a mo-hawk!

Friday, March 9, 2007

Josh - all the way from Nashville

The past three weeks have been extremely exciting and very busy. I love Nashville and my new job. The other managers are great and I really love the city. The hardest part is being away from Jessica, Emery, and my son to be. I miss them like crazy, and I truly don't know how I'm making it. Jessica is being great. She is the strongest woman I have ever known. I would be lost without her. Emery has been walking all over the place, and is learning knew stuff everyday. I'm going to say it, like all parents do, she is so incredibly smart!!!!! I feel truly blessed to have Jessica, Emery, and the new baby boy.