Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Giving Thanks 2010!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We were so busy! We had lunch with Mimi & Papa and 60 additional family members. The house was packed for sure! Emery Jai, Guice, and Evergrace loved playing with all their cousins! We left shortly after lunch and headed for Pop & Nena's! It was the longest drive EVER! The weather was nasty and the kids were fussy! We made it in time for dinner and it was delicious and worth the drive. The kiddos stay with their Grandparents, Josh and I turned around and drove home I had to work on Friday. The kids loved spending the weekend with Pop & Nena! G asked NeNa why she lived so far away and told her she needed to live closer so he could see her everyday! Sweet boy!
We have so very much to be thankful for! I could write a novel. I do have to record what EJ & G are thankful for. EJ said she was thankful for her family and God. G is thankful for the nice cat that doesn't bite or scratch or run away that he is getting for Christmas. G has asked Pop & NeNa for a kitten and is convinced he is getting it. Probably because he always gets what he asks for:). I asked E what she was thankful for but she didn't have much to say:)!
I pray everyone had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving! I know we sure did!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

23 weeks!!

Time is a flying by! I am feeling wonderful and Hollister is moving like a mad man, LOVE those little kicks! They are very visible from the outside now. My hormones were basically out of control for the past two weeks but thankfully I think they have calmed down. I had a horrible throat issue for a whole week it was NO fun! So thankful to be on the mend. I am craving ham, swiss, & cream cheese sandwiches, odd I know. We got a baby bed and a changing table this week and Guice could not be more excited! He keeps looking at it, sooo sweet! EJ & G's involvement in this pregnancy has been precious! I also bought a couple of new gowns. My favorite newborn clothing are gowns! I have a ton but NEEDED two more:). Mom is on the hunt for the perfect going home outfit. All my kids have worn crisp cotton dressy outfits home, super sweet! I have spent a ton of time looking for baby bedding and found a pattern that I love so Mom is going to take up quilting:)!
Here is the belly:)!! Mr. Hollister has had a growth spurt it seems!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Shoe Shopping...

Took the kidletts to get new kicks today and could not believe their sizes!
Emery Jai wears a size ONE!
Guice is in a THIRTEEN!
Evergrace is sporting a FIVE!
They are well on their way to land skis like their NeNa & Aunt Erica wear:)!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

The polls have closed...

Well I guess in this case the poll has closed:)! The L's have it! Two L's it it is!!
Baby Boy #2
will be Hollister!

Friday, November 12, 2010


Yep, that is as good as it gets with my bunch of monkeys:)!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Brother & Sister!!

Say it with me.....AWWWWW:)!!

21 Weeks 6 days!!

There haven't been any big changes. The only new thing is I can see movements from the outside now! Super cool! Also feel where he is laying or sometimes make out a foot, or what I believe to be a foot:)!
If you check out my sidebar you will notice a couple of changes! First vote on the spelling of the name, one L or Two! Second, baby details! It is an online site that calculates everything for you! We did this last time with Evergrace and I won:)! I am driving myself crazy wondering who he will look like and if he will have hair and what on earth color it will be! Be sure to leave your guess!!

Chillin With Daddy!!

We are all adjusting to me working a couple of shifts a week. The kiddos LOVE it! Our niece Cheyenne keeps them for 3 hours one night a week the rest of the time they are with DADDY! Guice did cry one morning for me not to go to work but after a promised trip to the pet shop all tears were gone! Josh snapped a couple of pics from chili night for me:).
Guice & his hippie hair. He is refusing hair cuts....
Evergrace LOVES her chili:)!

Who needs a spoon??? Eat with your hands:)!

Friday, November 5, 2010

the things they say...

I really wish is could recall every single word my kids have spoken. I know there will come a time, most likely, that recalling even major events in their little lives will be a struggle. It is truly the reason I blog! Okay, so now I am crying! Crazy preggo:)! Moving on....
Guice told me today that Jesus lives in our hearts then asked where baby Jesus lived!
Emery Jai is obsessed with "AB patterns" and has taken it upon herself to teach us all about them and also give about 100 examples a day!
Guice loves to talk about God and Jesus and asks a ton of questions about them. He has stumped me on several occasions.
Emery Jai is soaking up everything she can. She loves to learn and ask a ton of questions.
Guyboo & EJ talk all the time about what they are going to be when they grow up and who they are going to marry. EJ can't wait to move out & G says he will live at home with his Momma and wife:). EJ wants to be a doctor and Guice is going to be a football player.
Evergrace says a lot....she will hit or bite or pinch and then say sorry, and then do it again:).
Guice loves to play server when we are getting ready to sit down to eat. He carries the plates and sits out all the condiments.
E loves to tell her brother & sister NO and STOP and DON'T!
Of course there are a ton more thing but I can't remember this second.....post to be continued:)!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

20 weeks 6 days!

I had a fantastic check up on our little man yesterday. My blood pressure was 110/70, Holister's Heartbeat was 153, and I measured 23 cms! Dr. R said my ultrasound report could not have been more perfect, music to my ears! I have one more monthly then I move on to every two weeks! I know it is just going to fly by because of the Holidays and then EJ's fifth birthday. We are going to be busy, busy until March and then even busier after:)!
My favorite part of this pregnancy has been Emery Jai and Guice's reaction to it! They are so excited and constantly talking to Holister. He really feels like a part of our family already. Josh has been feeling kicks for about a week and a half now! LOVE IT! So amazingly special to share that moment with each other! We are just savoring every moment of this pregnancy we can and very thankful for our 4th child, second son Holister!