Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hollister Timothy is 6 months!

The biggest change is our big man is CRAWLING! He started one day before he turned 6 months! He is for sure our earliest crawler! I love what my aunt said "self preservation is a huge motivator" that is very true:)! He can only hands and knees crawl a little bit but day by day he gets stronger. He eats like a horse. No joke. I had mixed up a whole banana and half an avocado, Hollister ate the whole thing! On a normal day he eats 2 cubes for breakfast and lunch and 4 for diner! He is my first baby to love to eat food! He throws a fit for what we are eating and from time to time gets a nibble:). If it weren't for the fact I am super paranoid about choking he would get it a lot more :). He loves to nurse, it is his favorite pastime. He is still a chunk, we get comments on his size all the time. We also hear how pretty he is, and we have to agree he is a cutie! It has been a huge challenge packing with a mobile baby who puts everything in his mouth! He is super friendly and out going, he will let anyone hold him he just likes to be held! H decided that sleeping all night in his own crib is over rated. He now wakes up twice to nurse, why sleep when you could be eating? HA! He starts out in his bed then moves to ours around 3ish. We have started with signs and he loves it!! He hasn't done any yet but does wave his hands around. Super cute! We are enjoying our little man so much! He is such a blessing!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

we are busy...

here is a little play by play. we are moving back to tiny town. i totally agree moving as much as we do is not normal. however, i never said i we were a normal family. i have decided to embrace the crazy:)! i was offered an AMAZING job and i took it! i will be turning in my sahm card in t minus two weeks and 3 days, but who is counting? josh will be going to school and keeping the kids during the day, he will also be working nights. josh only works 4 nights a weeks so we will have weekends OFF! people, in the history of our relationship this has never happened. we are not gonna know what to do with ourselves! it is not all rainbows and roses, it breaks my heart to leave my mom & dad. it has been awesome living here. if i needed anything they would swing it by. they get the kids every. single. weekend. yep, it is awesome. the kids are sad, we are sad, they are sad. we are going to miss nena & pop more than you can imagine. and, yes they will only be 3hrs away but that is 3hrs too much. this was far from an easy decision. i had migraines and was litterlaly sick over it. many many many hours of prayer even. we have peace about it but it is not something that is "perfect". it is what it is and we are gonna make the best of it! i have been offered an amazing job and that is such a blessing! the kiddos will be with us or my dear friend who will be watching them a couple of hours while josh can sleep. it is a good thing for our family even though it isn't an easy thing. i am almost certain that i know everyone who reads my little blog, so you guys already knew all this. i did have to recorded for the sake of record keeping:)!

***i just notice i apparently decided to forgo capitalization in this post....yea...not fixing it either:)!