Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Two Car Seats!!!!!!

Josh and I (mostly Josh) put the new car seat in Lola a couple of days ago. It is a bit strange to look back and see 2! Emery Jai did not mind moving over, or the new seat. The baby's car seat is great because that's the only one we will ever need. It can be used as a booster. With Emery we had the traditional baby seat that attached to a stroller. We did not use the stroller at all, she hated it. We never took her in places in her car seat. I carried her in a Maya Wrap, so it would be easier to nurse her. Plus the combination of the baby and the car seat was so heavy. So, for all of those reasons we decided to just get a rear facing car seat. We love it!


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Birth Plan!

Here is the finished product, it took me forever. I hope I included everything. Linda will send it over to the hospital so it will be in my file, I am so happy that I have such a supportive person delivering the baby! The midwives do a plan with everyone they deliver. Here is a link to the Midwives if you want to check them out ( I am praying for a much easier labor and birth. I feel I am much more prepared emotionally this time. With Emery Jai I read tons of medical model type of books. I knew everything about the stages/phases of labor, the interventions, the complications, the medications. What I was not prepared for the emotional toll that labor takes. This time I have read less medical books and more books that Linda recommended about the miracle of birth and the normalcy of it. I am confident that this will make a huge difference.

Our Birth Choices Jessica & Josh Anderson
Due Date: 8/2/07
Patient of Linda Hughlett, Nurse-Midwife
Dear Hospital Staff, We're looking forward to sharing our birth experience with you. We have created this birth plan in order to outline some of our preferences for birth. We would appreciate you reviewing this plan, and would be happy to do so with you. We understand that there may be situations in which our choices may not be possible, but we hope that you will help us to move toward our goals as much as possible and to make this labor and birth a great experience. We want to be informed of any procedures in advance, and to be allowed the chance to give informed consent. Please feel free to ask if you have any questions or comments. Thank you!
-Please perform no routine prepatory tasks (shaving, enema, etc.), unless requested. -I expect that doctors and hospital staff will discuss all procedures with me before they are performed. -I would like to be free to walk, change positions and use the bathroom as needed or desired. -I prefer to wear my own clothes, rather than a hospital gown. -I prefer to eat and drink throughout labor, as desired. -I will remain hydrated by drinking moderate amounts of fluids (water, juice, ice chips). -Please do not administer an IV or heparin lock unless there is a clear medical indication that such is necessary. -I would like a quiet, soothing environment during labor, with dim lights and minimal interruptions. -I would like to play my own music. -Please limit the number of vaginal exams. -I wish to labor freely in the birthing tub or shower. -As long as our son is doing well, I prefer that fetal heart tones be monitored intermittently with an external monitor or doppler, even if the membranes have ruptured. -If fetal distress is suspected and time permits, I would like confirmation of this with a fetal scalp blood sample before proceeding with other interventions. -Please allow me to vocalize as desired during labor and birth without comment or criticism. -Please do not permit observers such as interns, students or unnecessary staff into the room without my permission. -To preserve my privacy and dignity, I would prefer that everyone knock before entering.
Labor Induction/Augmentation
-I would like to avoid induction unless it is medically necessary. -As long as our son and I are healthy, I do not want to discuss induction prior to 42 weeks. -If my pregnancy progresses past 40 weeks, I would prefer to base the decision to induce on the results of the baby's biophysical profiles, not on my own personal discomfort or impatience. -I would like to try alternative means of labor augmentation, like walking or nipple stimulation, before pitocin or artificial rupture of membranes is attempted. -If induction is necessary, I would like to attempt it with prostaglandin gel or another means before pitocin is administered. -If induction is attempted, but fails, I would like to come back at another time rather than pursue further intervention (assuming my membranes are intact and that waiting presents no danger to our son or myself). -Please do not rupture my membranes artificially unless medically indicated. Anesthesia/Pain Medication -Please do not offer anesthesia/analgesia .-If I ask for pain relief, please feel free to offer nonmedical choices for coping and/or remind me how close I am to the birth. -I would like to avoid all narcotics.
Cesarean Section Delivery
-I feel very strongly that I would like to avoid a cesarean delivery. -If a cesarean is necessary, I expect to be fully informed of all procedures and actively participate in decision-making. -I would like my husband to be present during the surgery. -Please explain the surgery to me as it happens. -I would prefer epidural anesthesia, if possible, in order to remain conscious through the delivery. -If possible, please do not strap my arms to the table during the procedure. -If conditions permit, I would like to be the first to hold our son after the delivery. -If possible, I would like to breastfeed our son immediately after the birth. -If conditions permit, our son should be given to my husband immediately after the birth. -I would like our plans outlined here for after the birth to be followed as closely as possible. -Please lower the screen just before delivery so I may see the birth of the baby. Perineal Care -I prefer not to have an episiotomy unless it is medically indicated. -To avoid episiotomy or tearing, my husband or my labor assistant will perform perineal massage with oil and apply hot compresses. -I would rather tear than have an episiotomy. -Please suture tears only if necessary.
Delivery -
Even if I am fully dilated, and assuming our son is not in distress, I would like to wait until I feel the urge to push before beginning the pushing phase. -I prefer to push or not push according to my instincts and would prefer not to have guidance or coaching in this effort. -I do not want to use stirrups while pushing. -I would like the freedom to push and deliver in any position I like. -I would like to have a mirror available and adjusted so I can see the baby's head crowning. -I would like the opportunity to touch my baby's head as it crowns. -I would like a soothing environment during the actual birth, with dim lights and quiet voices. -I would like my husband to help catch the baby. -I would like to have the birth recorded with photographs, video tape and/or tape recording. After birth -Please place our son on my stomach/chest immediately after delivery. -I would like to breastfeed our son immediately. -My husband would like the option to cut the cord. -Please allow the umbilical cord to stop pulsating before it is cut. -I prefer to wait for spontaneous delivery of the placenta and do not want a routine injection of pitocin.
Newborn Care
-I would like to hold our son skin-to-skin during the first hours to help regulate baby's body temperature. -I would like to hold our son through delivery of the placenta and any repair procedures. -Please evaluate and bathe our son at my bedside. -If possible, please evaluate our son on my abdomen. -If our son must go to the nursery for evaluation or medical treatment, my husband, or someone I designate, will accompany our son at all times. -Please delay eye medication for our son until we are well past the initial bonding period (a couple hours after the birth). -If available, would prefer erythromycin eye treatment or other antibiotic eye drops instead of silver nitrate. -I would prefer to have Vitamin K administered orally. -I am not planning to have our son circumcised.
-I prefer that our son wears the cloth diapers that we provide.
-I would prefer not to be catheterized until I've had some private time to attempt urination on my own. -I would like to have our son room-in with me at all times. -I would like my husband to room-in with me. -Assuming I feel up to it and our son is healthy, I would like to be released from the hospital as soon as possible following the birth. -I would like permission for access to my chart and the baby's chart. Breastfeeding-I plan to breastfeed and want to nurse immediately following the birth. -Please do not give our son supplements (including formula, glucose, or plain water) without my consent, unless there is an urgent medical necessity. -Unless I am unable to give my consent, please do not give our son any supplements without first informing me of the reason(s) and seeking my consent. -Please do not give our son a pacifier.

34Weeks & 5 Days!!

Everything is going extremely well! I feel incredible! Of course I am experiencing some discomforts due to the pregnancy: heartburn backache and fatigue, but all things considered I am wonderful! I am having a hard time with maternity clothes! I hate them! It is so hard to find cute ones that fit! My maternity shirts ride up and the pants roll down. I have started buying regular clothes, I did this towards the end with Emery Jai too. I guess I just get tired of the outfits. This outfit is just normal people clothes, it fit much better than my pregger clothes. Anyway, I am craving Rolo's like a mad man! I could eat a bag a day. I am also very, very, hot! I turn the temp. down and Josh goes right behind me and turns it up. Josh is starting to complain of frost bite.
I am trying to stay very active walking and stuff, but I really just want to sleep. We are getting everything setup for the little man. We put his car seat in, I thought E.J. might not like it. We moved her over, she hardly noticed. I read that to make the transition easier for her we should set all the baby things up as soon as possible. I hope this helps her make the move from only child to big sister! I can't believe how soon he will be here, less than 40 days! The floating baby makes me a little nervous, because of the constant countdown, It is also terribly exciting!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 34:
fetus in eighth month Your amazing baby is on the move! They’ve been riding fairly high in your stretched-out womb to this point (while kindly compressing your poor internal organs), but now they’re planning on making the big move to your pelvis this week. If you haven’t already, you’ll be noticing the weight shift that signals they are most likely out of breech position, with their head now resting on your pubic bone. In liver news: although not quite fully formed, your little miracle’s liver is now capable of processing a certain amount of waste. In general, most of your child’s prenatal physical development is pretty much up to snuff and ready for the outside world. Naturally, further weight gain is expected—so you’re still not at maximum capacity despite probably feeling like you definitely are maxed out.
34 Weeks!!
Huge Belly!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

17 Months Old!!

Emery Jai is 17 months today!! She is doing great. We are going to start really potty training her tomorrow, wish us luck. We bought the training panties today so we will see! Not a lot of new things to report. E.J. is combining two words more often, occasionally she will use three words. We are working on her ABC's , Emery can sign up to D. We are still working on colors, I am hoping the concept clicks soon. She knows all of her colors as words (she can say all of them) but just doesn't get the color concept. Emery Jai will memorize the color of certain things. Emery Jai and I are also working on numbers, Emery really seems to like numbers. If you ask her what time it is she will make it up. She will count to 5 then use made up words and keep "counting". Her favorite number is 2, favorite color is gray, and her favorite letter seems to be B.
I have wanted to do this post for a long time. I plan to document everything cute or funny or things that I just want to remember. This is more for me than anyone, I feel like I have forgotten so much already. I want to remember everything, every look, every smile, every word spoken. Some of these things she has done for a long time i.e. she calls Erica No-no, no one told her to do this she just does. Emery Jai called her No-no before she turned one, it's so funny! And it is one of the many things that Emery Jai does that I love!

  • Emery loves keys and will ask to drive, it doesn't matter where we are she wants to drive.
  • She wants to hold the check card at all times, she loves it.
  • She will put herself in time out!
  • If she is not the center of attention she will act out, and then tell on herself.
  • Emery Jai will come up behind me and tickle me on the backs of my legs, she says tickle tickle!
  • When we are getting ready to go somewhere she will remind you that she needs her hat, shoes, keys, and purse.
  • She will not go anywhere without her hat.
  • When I tell her it is time for a bath, she will ask if I am going to wash her hair. She hates to have her hair washed.
  • She loves change, all change are pennies. Emery will put them in her piggy bank. If you ask her what she is going to buy with her pennies she will tell you she is going to buy a dog.
  • Her favorite animals are horses (mimi's), cats, dogs, and owls.
  • If you ask her how old she is she says 2.
  • If you ask her what color her eyes are she says blue, if you ask about her hair it's blue too!
  • Sometime if she doesn't get what she wants she will fall out in the floor.
  • Her favorite snack is grapes in a cup.
  • She has to hold everything.
  • Emery Jai loves to brush her teeth.
  • She puts her stuffed animals on the potty.
  • Emery Jai has to sleep with little emery (red haired blue eyed cabbage patch kid) and K. Roger (a bear she got from her Granny Brewer (Great Grandmother). Erica said it was from Kroger.
  • She will wake you up in the middle of the night to change her diaper.
  • Emery Jai wants her hair in a pony tail, like mine (I think we all know why this is funny :)).
  • When she is done eating she will tell you to get a washcloth, she also ask for a washcloth when she is going to take a bath.
  • She wants to go bye bye all of the time. Emery will kick the door and yell bye bye!

I know there is much more that will come to me later, but that's all I can remember now! Emery Jai is such an unbelievable joy to be around, I am still in awe of her. Josh and I are so thankful to have her. I can not put in to words just how special she is to us.

Nena & Pop Came For A Visit!

I can not describe how very excited Emery Jai was to see her Nena & Pop! This was the longest she has gone without seeing them! We had the best weekend! On Friday we went to the biggest mall! We had lunch at the most amazing restaurant. It had HUGE aquariums everywhere. Emery Jai loved it! I could not believe how much see enjoyed the fish, she would not take her eyes off of them! She pointed them out to everyone, Emery would say see fish, see fish. I guess she did not want anyone to miss them, like it was possible! The mall also had a carousel, it was E.J.'s first time to ride one. Emery liked it so much she had to ride it twice! On Saturday they took her to the zoo, of course they had a great time.
Josh and I are so very thankful for Nena & Pop. We love that they are so involved and supportive of her and us. I am grateful for the relationship I was able to have with both sets of my Grandparents, I appreciate it more the older I get. I am glad Emery Jai will have that with Nena & Pop. They are so special to her, she ask about them all of the time. We are glad to have them in our lives!

Hands off glass, is that a joke?!
I think E.J. touched every inch!

Emery can not be bothered to take a picture! She told the people behind us
see fish, see fish!!
She still won't look away!

She loved riding the mimi's (horses)!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Midwife Appointment!

I saw the midwife yesterday. I love going, it is so relaxing and Linda is very nice. Anyway most importantly everything is GREAT! I don't know how, but I did not gain any weight. The baby's heart rate was great. He was moving like crazy, he kept kicking Linda. The most exciting part is that Linda said there was noway I would make it to 40 weeks! I am excited about going early, naturally. At the same time I am preparing myself mentally to go to 42 weeks. With Emery Jai everyone thought I would have her early, I ended up being induced at 41 weeks completely green. Linda is so convinced that I will deliver early I will have my group B strep test on the 6th. She also wants Josh and I to complete a birth plan by next visit. Linda gave me the option of having an ultrasound to check the size/weight of the baby. I am not sure I want another scan, I have three reasons. First, I have read a lot lately and there seems to be some studies that question the safety of repeated ultrasounds (link). Second, I am very determined to have a natural delivery, so I don't know what difference it would make if I knew the size. I would not want to be induced early and I definitely would not want to have a c-section. Thirdly, the ultrasound is not completely accurate, the weight estimate could be off by 20%. So I am not sure what would be gained from the ultrasound. Linda did feel my belly and said he weighs at least 51/2 lbs. But as anything, that's just a guess. Josh and I just incase are getting everything ready, our goal is to have everything in its place by my birthday, 7/14. I would like to have the carseat in, the co-sleeper up, the diapers ready (Nena is busy sewing cloth diapers)! At the same time I am ok with the baby coming when the time is right. If that means I have to wait until August 16th then so be it!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Today is the day Josh was born, 24 years ago!! I am truly thankful for this day! I am not going to gush too much, I just want it to be known that my husband is a wonderful amazing person!
We do not have big plans for today, we will probably go eat at Cracker Barrel (yes we still LOVE the barrel its our favorite). Emery Jai loves it too, she knows when we are at a Cracker Barrel, any Cracker Barrel. As soon as she sees the outside she starts chanting Cracker Barrel Cracker Barrel! When we enter the building she has to look at the babies (stuffed animals), she thinks the ladies who work in the gift shop are their mommies that's why we can't take a baby home. This tale doesn't always work, so sometimes she gets a surprise! This weekend Nena and Pop are coming down to help us celebrate. Nena is cooking Josh's favorite meal. Then on Saturday Josh and I are going on a date! I can not remember the last time we went on a date, so we are super excited!


Monday, June 18, 2007

Playing Outside!

I know I have mentioned how much Emery Jai loves to be outside, here are some cute pics of her playing. It is so hard to get good pictures of her. She wants to hold the camera so she can see Errie G, thats how she says her name! So she does not want to hold still. I take her out around 5 everyday so she can play with the puppies. I want to get a picture of her playing with the dogs, but I think that the pet owner might think it was a little overboard. We just walk up and down the sidewalk until we see a dog come out, then Emery takes off for it!

New Kicks!

Emery Jai's new shoes! I can't believe how fast her feet grow! She got new shoes the weekend before Easter. Emery's foot was measuring 4 1/2 so we bought her 3 new pairs of size 5's. I had been noticing her toes getting very close to the end of her sandals, so we had her foot measured at the mall. E.J.'s foot is a size 6 now! I felt so bad, cramming her little foot into size 5's, but its only been 2 months! Anyway we got her 2 pairs of shoes. She got her first pair of tennis shoes, they're my favorite. We also got her a pair of white sandals. We bought size 6 1/2, I hope they last for a while. She is well on her way to a size 10, like her mom!

I Love These Shoes!

Every girl has to have a pair of white sandals!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

33 Weeks & 3 Days!

I am doing amazing! I can not believe I am 33 weeks, I am starting to panic a little I have so much to do! It is so funny because with Emery Jai everything was done perfectly at this point. I have to admit that it is a little different with the second one. Not that I am not just as excited, because I am, maybe more! More excited because people tell you how your going to feel, but you can not imagine it until you personally have experienced it. No words can explain the emotion that floods you when you look into the eyes of your baby! I can not wait to see his little face!
Its just I don't have the time I had with Emery Jai. Case in point I have a book that tells what the baby is doing everyday. With E.J. I read it religiously. First I read the whole month I was in, then the week, then I would read what day I was on daily. I would also call Nena and read it to her and I would read it to Josh. I probably read the same thing 20 times. And that was not the only book I was reading, I think I read 8 pregnancy/childbirth books with her. I have read bits and pieces of books with him, not a whole book. I haven't even read What To Expect When Expecting!! I got to month 6 sort of, I just read the highlights. I don't think I know it all, far from it, I would love to be able to prop my feet up relax and read! But I am afraid E.J. would set the house on fire! Enough rambling, this week is wonderful, I have an appointment on Wednesday I'll give an update then!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 33:fetus in eighth month For all the weight and bulk you’re lugging around these days, you’d think your little champ should weigh much more than a mere 5 lbs and measly 17 inches in height, but nope, that’s about the average size for a baby in its thirty-third week. In terms of appearances, they’re getting cuter and pudgier every minute—just piling on the baby fat and those adorable little wrist rolls and chubby toes. And as we’re sure you’ve already noticed they’re getting stronger with every passing day. Nowadays, it’s possible to observe a well-placed kick just by watching your belly—but you already knew that didn’t you? Although they’re getting stronger, your bigger-by-the-day baby is losing space to move around, so the actual rate of movement will drop off in the last few weeks, despite that powerful drop-kick they’ve been working on. Did you know you’ll continue feeling their movements even during labor?

Belly Pics!

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Fathers Day! Josh had a great day. Despite the fact that he was exhausted, he work until 2 a.m.. We got up and went to Target so that Emery Jai could pick him out a card, but instead we ended up buying new clothes for her and the baby. After Target we went to our favorite Mexican food place it is good just not a good as El Mexican in Conway. We had a great time. Josh is spending the afternoon napping with E.J..
Josh is such a wonderful dad, all of the sacrifices he makes for his family still amaze me. He took two job to support us so I could stay at home. I still remember that conversation perfectly. We had planed for me to get a job after Emery Jai was born. I knew the moment I held her there was noway I could work. Emery was 4 weeks old when I told Josh I could not leave her, not right then. I was crying and sobbing about how much I wanted to stay home and how important it was to me. I still get teary eyed just thinking about it. His response was priceless, he said OK, Jess if that is what you want we will make it work. We moved back to Conway and he worked 2 jobs. I never heard him complain about money or working two jobs. He just talked about how lucky he was to have a wife that stayed home and how lucky E.J. was. I am so very blessed! And recently he moved to a state where he knew no one and was alone for 4 months just for us! That time was hard on me but at least I had my family and friends around, Josh did not have that luxury.
Thank You Josh for all you do for us!!

Father & daughter, so cute!
Mexican food!

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Big Girl Bed!

Emery Jai has a new big girl bed, for display purposes only! I am sad to see the baby bed go. I loved Emery Jai's nursery bedding, I was able to incorporate the pillow and quilt with her new bedding. This makes me feel a little better. The quilt was made by E.J.'s Great Great Grandmother Hoggard. I love, love, love it! The pics do not do it justice. The colors are great, I love the orange. All of the squares are different. It is very special that Emery gets to be connected, at least in someway with Grandmother Hoggard. We (Erica, Jody, and I) were lucky enough to have known her, if only for a short time. I think she passed when I was about 4 or 5, but I am not sure.
Thanks Nena for trusting us with it!

Baby Bedding

Closeup of quilt
Pillow Sham
Bed skirt

I have finally gotten around to posting pics of the baby's bedding! We have had this bedding for well over 10 weeks. When we ordered it we were going to have it embroidered, but it turns out if you order it from the store it can not be embroidered. This was a blessing in disguise sense we changed the name. We are going to have his name put on it, we just have to find a private business to do it. I love the bedding, I think it is classic and simple. The nursery does not have a theme, we are not into themes. The bedding does have a couple of bees on it, that will be the only bees in the nursery. Now we just need to get the baby bed up, and finish the decorating. We are not completely ready for our little guy but were getting there.

Friday, June 15, 2007

E.J.'s Checkup

Emery Jai had a checkup and some shots yesterday. It was her first time to see a pediatrician in Nashville, all I can say is I miss Debbie Emery's nurse practitioner. I guess Dr. I was OK I just was not overly impressed. We were there for over 3 hours, maybe 20 min. of those we were being seen by someone. But the most important thing is that Emery is 100% healthy. Dr. I could not believe that she has never taken an antibiotic (knock on wood). Emery Jai is right on track, overachieving actually. Her verbal and social skills well exceed the normal range. She is preforming at a 2 to2 1/2 year old capacity. Emery is a very big girl, she is in the 97% plus range for her height, weight, and head circumference. Everything is in proportion so no worries about weight, shes just going to be tall. Emery Jai hated getting her shots, as soon as they were over she got her purse and the keys and started telling everyone bye bye.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Afternoon Nap

Josh and Emery Jai had been working so hard unpacking they needed a nap! This is Emery's favorite sleeping position, right up next to someone. She loves sleeping in the bed with us, we joke (sort of) that she will be in our bed until shes 20. Co-sleeping works for us, I realize it is not for everyone. I just love seeing her wake up, she is so happy. I am starting to wonder where the new baby will sleep. We plan on using a bassinet that fits on to the mattress, its an arms reach co-sleeper thing, hope it works. Its kind of an extension of the bed. It will be the same height and right there so nursing will be easier than if he was in a traditional bassinet or his own bed. But if it does not work its a good thing our bed is huge!
That's E.J.'s favorite pillowcase, she will not go to sleep without it. We took it from Nena's house.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

We Are Loving Nashville!!

We have been here almost two weeks and everything is going good. We have not unpacked completely, but we are getting there. I had huge plans for decorating and painting, but have decided it would not really be worth it because we will be moving in about 18 months. We are nomads! I am not going to repaint the furniture or paint any of the rooms it just does not seem worth it. I am looking forward to customizing my own space, one of these days.
The move has not been without challenges, when it rains it pours. First the robbery issue, as mentioned previously we had somethings taken. At first I viewed this as no big deal, well it is. We basically have little to no kitchen appliances, no mixer, no toaster, no food dehydrator (Josh)! They also got about 30-40 movies, including Emery Jai's ultrasound tape. I know that is something that hardly gets viewed, but I still would like to have the option. Other things were taken but that's the stuff I am most upset about at the moment.
On top of that the air went out in Lola (my car)! What perfect timing! And of course the warranty only covers some of the work the rest is out of pocket. Lola will be ready for pickup tomorrow. E.J. will be upset, she loved riding around with the windows down! She yells at people next to us, her favorite was to be beside a motorcycle at a stoplight. She apparently loves motorcycles. E.J. has also started noticing and pointing out peoples tattoos, this can't be a good sign :). Emery Jai's Aunt Erica thinks she is going to run off with a tattooed man on a motorcycle or horse!
All things considered we are doing well adjusting to living together again. It is a challenge keeping Emery Jai entertained inside all day, She loves being outside. I take her for walks and go swimming with her, but it just never seems to be long enough. Josh's schedule helps because he is home for most of the day. He is great about taking her out or on a drive, Emery doesn't care where shes going as long as she is going!

Silly Girl!

Sunday, June 10, 2007

32 Weeks & 4 Days!

We had a little bit of excitement this week, yesterday I was not feeling the baby move as much as he had been moving. I was getting the 3 kicks per hour but he usually kicks so much more, and after dinner we watch him roll around in my belly (its crazy you can see all the bumps and lumps) and he did not put on a show last night. So I called the Midwives, the one on call Lisa called me back. Lisa told me to come in to the hospital and get hooked up so she could check things out. Well, all of the excitement must have woken him up because as soon as they got me on the monitors he was moving around like a wild man! His heart rate and variability were both perfect, so was his movement. She said he looked amazing, Lisa was so very, very nice. I am glad we got to go and see the hospital, the rooms are great. The nurses were all very nice, Emery Jai was the star of the show! The all held her and passed her around.
Also this week I went to an appointment with Linda, everything was great. It was so nice to be back in that setting, not to feel rushed during a visit. My glucose test was good, I passed, so no gestational diabetes! The baby is growing he is measuring 34/35 weeks, and his hart rate was great. I did not gain any weight this week. Linda is not near as concerned with the weight issue as I am, I just don't want to be left with having to loose a lot when this is over. I have only gained 25 lbs. which, I know is completely normal. I have an appointment in 2 weeks, we (Josh, Linda, and I) will make out a birthing plan. This should be interesting! I will post the final copy!
I have been feeling good, the heat is starting to become a factor. I have the thermostat set on 68 at all times, and if Josh would not die I would set in on about 62! Its also hard because the monkey loves, loves, loves to be outside, and at this point I love, love, love to be inside! We do go walking in the afternoons for about 30/45 min but shes still mad when we come back in.
We do have the final for sure we are positive name but I am not telling just yet!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 32:
fetus in eighth month And in the latest developing reports, your amazing baby has now developed sensitivity to temperature! This means, you’ll probably get a swift kick if you put a hot pad on your ginormous belly. For the Elton John lovers out there: baby’s got blue eyes. At this point, all babies do, although depending on their chromosomal disposition, this could easily change after birth (or even between now and labor), but for the time being, blue it is. Thanks to their recently matured lungs and a remarkably strong immune system, over 90% of babies born in their 32nd week, survive premature births. So it’s pretty much a done deal. Even if your little monkey’s planning on heading out early, their survival odds are in everyone’s favor. Time to celebrate (no, no, wait until after the birth to crack open the champagne!)

Mommy and Baby!
My belly is enormous, and I still have 7 to 9 weeks left!

Having Fun At The Park!

Emery Jai has been feeling a little cooped up in the house, she will go to the door and kick it yelling bye bye or outside! So we decided to take her out for the day, Josh looked up parks in the area. I think someone was using liberties when labeling this as a park, it was just a swing set that's it! But we had fun anyway!

This is the "Park"!
Just a swinging'!
Picking some flowers!

Josh and Emery playing with a bug and a stick (against Moms advice :))!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

E.J.'s New Swimsuit!

Emery Jai got her first itsy bitsy tiny winy yellow poka dot bikini! It is so supper cute. She loved the pool, she swam like a fish (she knows the sign for fish and uses it in the bath tub and in the pool). She was not scared of the water at all, although it was a little cool for her.
I got a new suit but it's not itsy bitsy or tiny winy, don't be scared I'm not going to post pics of me in a suit, just wanted you to know I recently had a traumatic experience. Buying a swimsuit at 8 months pregnant! It was not a fun time.

pics of the oh so cute suit!

We Have Moved!!

The family is officially reunited!! We could not be more excited! We have to thank the friends and family that helped us get here, we could not have done it without them. I came down last Thursday, Nena and Pop with the help of some others loaded up the moving truck and drove it to Nashville. Josh did not have to make the drive back and our stuff was here before we had planned. The move was not without excitement, our storage unit was burglarized. They did not take anything huge just mirrors, pictures, random boxes, and trash cans! It is funny that we were worried about the crime in Nashville and we were robbed in Arkansas.
We are just very thankful to be together, Thursday was the first time I had seen Josh in 7 weeks. He could not believe how big my belly is or how much Emery Jai has grown and how much she talks! Its just great to be back together.