Thursday, June 21, 2007

Midwife Appointment!

I saw the midwife yesterday. I love going, it is so relaxing and Linda is very nice. Anyway most importantly everything is GREAT! I don't know how, but I did not gain any weight. The baby's heart rate was great. He was moving like crazy, he kept kicking Linda. The most exciting part is that Linda said there was noway I would make it to 40 weeks! I am excited about going early, naturally. At the same time I am preparing myself mentally to go to 42 weeks. With Emery Jai everyone thought I would have her early, I ended up being induced at 41 weeks completely green. Linda is so convinced that I will deliver early I will have my group B strep test on the 6th. She also wants Josh and I to complete a birth plan by next visit. Linda gave me the option of having an ultrasound to check the size/weight of the baby. I am not sure I want another scan, I have three reasons. First, I have read a lot lately and there seems to be some studies that question the safety of repeated ultrasounds (link). Second, I am very determined to have a natural delivery, so I don't know what difference it would make if I knew the size. I would not want to be induced early and I definitely would not want to have a c-section. Thirdly, the ultrasound is not completely accurate, the weight estimate could be off by 20%. So I am not sure what would be gained from the ultrasound. Linda did feel my belly and said he weighs at least 51/2 lbs. But as anything, that's just a guess. Josh and I just incase are getting everything ready, our goal is to have everything in its place by my birthday, 7/14. I would like to have the carseat in, the co-sleeper up, the diapers ready (Nena is busy sewing cloth diapers)! At the same time I am ok with the baby coming when the time is right. If that means I have to wait until August 16th then so be it!