Tuesday, April 27, 2010


you found me:)!! liking it over here at my new place?!?!? lots more to come...stay tuned!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

movin' on down the road!!

After MUCH prayer and consideration I am moving my blog. There are several reasons for this. I am taking our last name off and also our town in hopes of making it a tad more removed:). I almost went private but I am hoping this will fix the problem...... I am asking everyone who has us linked to please remove our current site. If you would like to follow us to our new address please send me an email mommyofejandg@yahoo
the move will happen in the next week or so!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

out of order....

My beloved camera has bit the dust! I am sooooo upset! The warranty is up, of course! I wanted the next on we purchased to be my dream camera. It doesn't look like that is going to happen, we are committed to paying off all of our debt and NOT accruing any more. I can not stand all the precious moments that I am not capturing. Evergrace is going from belly to sitting, Emery Jai can go down the slide standing up, and Guice is peddling his tricycle like a pro up and down the street! Also, the kids have their first T Ball game tonight, uggh!
Hopefully it will be replace with something soon......

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pulling up among other things!

Evergrace is doing something new everyday, or at least it seems that way! She is signing milk, water, and all done. She is pulling up and walkin' around furniture. She says MOMMA and daddy:)! She is very much a mommas girl! E is super happy and smiles all the time! I constantly hear that she is the happiest baby people have ever seen. I have heard that with all three of my kiddos:)! Evergrace likes putting toys in and out of buckets and puts every single thing in her mouth. She still loves splashing in her bath. She gets super excited when she hears the water running and super mad when it is time to get out! If I get out of her sight for a second she is in a full throttle fit! The last week or so her day time nursing has decreased while night time nursing has increased. She eats what we eat, for the most part. She loves to eat and isn't a picky eater at all.

Trip to the dentist!

Emery Jai & Guice did AWESOME! I am proud to report ZERO cavities! They both had a full cleaning and fluoride treatment. EJ was a little more apprehensive than G. She was a little unsure, she had a few tears before everything was underway. She ended up doing great! We will not be going back to this particular dentist, she was less than stellar. I am so proud of the kiddos! NeNa drove down to Hot Springs to help out. She took the kids to Walmart to pic out a reward. EJ picked a brown baby and a book. G got two spiderman toys, one is a four wheeler the other is a motorcycle. They love their surprises. EJ named her "chocolate" baby Annacabola but her nickname is Flower.
G being a big man! waiting for his cleaning

his turn!

EJ what a big girl!


In Bloom!!!

We are loving this weather and soaking up all of it we can get! Our yard looks wonderful with all the trees blooming! We have several more in bloom, just took a few pics. EJ loves it because there is a ton of purple ones her favorite!

Quips from our darlings!

*Josh was punishing Guice by taking away his toy. Guice replied "God is going to smite you!"
*I was being stern with EJ, my tone was very serious. She replied "God does not like us to be mad at other people. You need to forgive and forget."
*I got on to EJ for eating G's rice cream and she said "God like for us to share. You don't know anything about sharing!"

Monday, April 12, 2010


Just entered a wonderful giveaway over at Nic's!
Click HERE to enter!!

New Research Published...

Click HERE & HERE to read the latest findings on slightly touchy topics!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

T ball!!

sorry the pic is so tiny! My camera is on the fritz:(! A friend took it and facebooked it to me.

Anywhoo....EJ is playing and loving Tball! She did really well and hit the ball pasted first base, it was her first time to bat! We just love her coach, he is a friend of ours and our kiddos play together and also have dance together. I am also found of the assistant coach, it is Josh! I had reservations about signing her up. I was worried that it would be competitive or the parents would be crazy. I asked a ton of moms before and the answer was always the same, the kids have a blast and everyone cheers for everyone! Emery Jai named the team they are the Blue Elephants! HA! We will maybe have one more practice but mostly just games.

Guice had to get new shoes to and also a glove. I just knew he was going to have a break down when he did not get to play so I sent him to a friends house. I am not sure what we will do next week....

Also note worthy, EJ had an allergic reaction to the sunscreen! She was VERY swollen, so much so her eyelids disappeared. Her skin was super red, I thought she had a terrible sunburn. She did not look like the same little girl. I used baby hypoallergenic Aveno. I am calling G's dermatologist this week to see what they suggest.

Monday, April 5, 2010

watch this!!!


EJ & G! Kennedy & Jude

Hunting Eggs!

Evergrace & Brylee!

NoNo & G

Ready set go!

The girls!


Gman & pink glasses:)!!


Easter is fast becoming my favorite holiday! I have been preparing the children for weeks by reading tons of Easter books about Jesus and his death on the cross. They really got it this year. I love teaching them the word of God! We went to central Arkansas for my family's celebration. We have a huge thing at Aunt MiMi's, it is always so much fun.
The kiddos & mommy! The girls dresses were soooo cute! G wore shorts and a jacket, very eastery:)! Trying to get a good pic of the three monkeys....no such luck. HA!

He is Risen.. And sitting on the Throne, Waiting for our Heavenly Father to speak the Word for his Return..

more Easter!

Easter gift! Thing 1 & Thing 2!

cutie pie!
NeNa & the kiddos!

Coloring Eggs!


We do not do the whole bunny thing at our house. So, I explained to the kiddos that coloring eggs on Easter is a sign of rebirth. A symbol of our rebirth as Christians. Easter baskets are for gathering eggs and such they do get a gifts in honor of the most amazing gift Jesus gave to us everlasting life!