Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Potty Training Time!!!!

It had to be on his terms! He was no where ready 4 weeks ago, but now Guice is going full force! He is going not only teetee in the potty but POO POO! WOOO HOOO! He just made up his mind he was ready and he is! I was so nervous I would have 2 in diapers, now not so much. He is having maybe 2 accidents a day!
Big Boy!


See....they do have clothes!

Looking back over the last several post I realized something, my kids never have on clothes! I am not sure what that is! I decided to snap a couple of pics as we were on our way to revival (which was AWESOME)! Anywhoo, here are our super cute kiddos with clothes ON!
EJ & G striking a pose (monkey see monkey do)! sweet!

They are getting so big!

26 weeks 6 days!

Here are the much anticipated belly pics! This is by far the largest belly I have had, at this stage:)! Looking at the pics I totally understand the twin comment! AND, I have gained some weight this month! Not sure how much, our scales broke in the move! I just hope it is not a ridiculous amount, like 25 lbs:)!
For the record I am wearing size Medium to Large Pants but tops.......Well the first top is a Large the second is a XXL!! The Large is much too small, I was laughing thinking fat man in a little coat:). The second is much to big in the shoulder/chest area but fits the belly

She has a name (No, for real this time:)!

Guice would like to be the one to announce it!

Did you get that?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Guice's new trick.....

Mr. Independent can now get his own water! He is growing up so very fast!

Sleeping Angels........

Monday, April 27, 2009

Weekend With NeNa & Pop!

The kids spent a couple of nights with NeNa & Pop, they loved every second of it! I did not think it was possible for these two to get any more rotten, I was wrong! They had so much fun flying kites, playing outside, and lets not forget DISNEY ON ICE! They are both still talking about it! Emery Jai wants to go to Disney Land now more than ever! Also, Guice was tee teeing and pooping on the potty! We are going to start potty training full force in a few days! Bye bye pampers, for a few months at least!


I had a great time this weekend! It was a blast! The theme was Become A Dynamic Covenant Woman. It was all about the blood covenant we have with God! Very interesting, to say the least! Kathrine Barns held the retreat, I love her! She has a church here in Mena, we will be visiting it! The retreat was held at Timber Lodge The cabins were amazing! I could look out my door and see zebra's and a ton of other animals! So very cool! The chapel was absolutely beautiful! I have pics that I will post as soon as my wonderful husband shows up tonight with my camera:)!

Baby Girl Anderson!

I just realized that I never posted the results from our last couple of ultrasounds. Everything looks great! Heart rate holding steady at 130-140 bpm! Fluid level still high and no abnormalities found on the scan. I will be able to deliver at Mena Medical with Dr. M! That is a huge relief! I am the size of a whale! I constantly hear the twin comment or wow you must be ready to go any second! At my last appointment I had gained 5 lbs total! wooohooo! I measured a couple of cm's big. But, I still feel as if the baby is going to be on the small side, around 8 even. Only time will tell! Her movements are very strong! She plays all night! Emery Jai and Guice are so very excited about a little sister, of course that might change in a few short months:)! I am going to post a belly pic soon!
Less than 100 days to go (if she doesn't go over that is:)!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

This And That...

*We are, as is the whole town, dealing with the aftermath of the tornado. As a result of it, we are homeless. We were going to rent a home but it turned out their home was destroyed. Now we are living in Carolyn's house, it is for sale so the arrangement is very temporary. Housing here before the storm was scarce at best, so now it is very grim.
*Josh missed his last weekend of school. He will be able to make it up online over the summer. He finished up the semester with a 4.0 GPA!
*I am attending a (much needed) women's retreat this weekend! So excited!
*Emery Jai and Guice are spending the weekend with NeNa & Pop. They are going to Disney on ice! Emery Jai can't wait!
*Emery Jai *might* be starting pre-school in the fall a couple of days a week. She is not the least bit excited. She says she goes to pre-school on sundays and Mrs. Ruth teaches her everything she needs to know!
*G is talking up a storm. I am constantly amazed at his progress.

Who loves corn???


Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Where are my feet?!?!?!!


Easter did not go as planed this year, I am sure everyone knows we had a major tornado! I have very few pics from our day, we were very preoccupied! I did manage to get a couple of the kiddo's and their baskets. They did not even wear their outfits to church, we had a casual Sunday:). Our church was and still is being utilized as a shelter and also headquarters for several nonprofit organizations. Casual dress was requested so everyone would feel comfortable. It was not the packed-dressed-to-the-nines service one would expect. But, most importantly we gathered together to worship and praise God.
Happy Easter!

Music Man!

I am back!!

I have internet access 24/7 FINALLY!

Ever Wondered...

What would happen if you could get the top off of lip gloss? Well, leave it up to Emery Jai she found out!
What a mess! My poor couch......

Singin' Cuties!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Six Months (tomorrow)!!

The pregnancy still seems as if it is dragging! It is probably due to the complications/situations we have been dealing with. Not, that I am complaining. It might sound strange but I am thankful! That is a whole other post for another day! I just want her to get here so I can hold her already! I am feeling GREAT! She is moving a ton! We can now see her movements, so amazing! I haven’t gained any weight, lost it actually. I know this will not continue but it is fun while it last! I am measuring a little ahead, no surprise. But, I think this baby might be smaller than we expect. Not sure why, just a feeling. I am enjoying the pregnancy so much. Don’t get me wrong, the nausea, heartburn, and insomnia are not much fun, but very worth it! I could do this at least couple more times! I am truly grateful! I am glad we found out the baby is going to be a girl. I feel much more attached and gives me something to plan for. I was a little worried that I would regret finding out, but I don’t at all. I am going to get a pic up very soon!

Meagan & Billy's Wedding!

The happy couple! So cute!

She placed each one on the floor!

Daddy & Guyboo!

This past weekend we celebrated the marriage of our niece Meagan! The ceremony was very sweet. EJ was the flower girl, because she said so! It was very nice of them to let her do it! Emery Jai was the only attendant. She did wonderful. Really, I should rent her out! She has done it twice and is perfect!
Congratulations Meagan & Billy!

Pancake Breakfast!

Playing in the truck! Not wanting to get out!

Papa is on the Volunteer Fire Department, they held a benefit pancake breakfast all you can eat, so of course we had to attend! EJ & G wanted to drive the trucks; they had to settle for getting to sit in them! Papa did say that they could ride in the Christmas Parade with him. Without hesitation Emery Jai told him she would need a new pink sparkly parade dress that he would need to buy.

EJ & G.....

They both love Praise and Worship at Church! G has started playing the tambourine with the choir! He also sang his first special last Wednesday night. He sang Yes Lord. It was very unofficial. He ran up on stage and sang his heart out! EJ’s strike has ended, she is back in the choir without a microphone.
Our Church held a cake auction to raise money for a missionary. EJ’s favorites were cakes shaped like puppies. She bought two! All for a good cause!
EJ likes to be refereed to as a princess at all times.
Emery Jai has stopped going to Little Lambs (children’s program at church) and has promoted herself to Kids in Motion. She says it is much more fun and all her friends are there. Her friends are all over the age of 10!
G loves pickled eggs! When I said he was not a picky eater I meant it! He ate them at Uncle David & Aunt Summer’s house. The kids spend Monday nights with them so Josh and I can attend prayer meeting, they love it. EJ and G get to hang out with Megan and Jacob, plus they have pigs, dogs, and buck bucks! Basically, they count down the days until Monday. It is such a blessing!
G’s favorite songs are Yes Lord and Jesus Loves Me. EJ likes No God Like Jehovah and The B-i-b-l-e!
Guice is still very much into books. He usually manages to lift one from whosever house he happens to be at.
EJ is so excited about the baby! She wants her here now! She looks in magazines for things we need for the baby cribs, swings, bouncers, clothes, bottles, everything! I subscribe to a simpler school of thought all we need is a sling (check), boobs (check), a quilt for playing on the floor (check) and of course a car seat (check check)! EJ wants all the bells and whistles. We had everything you could imagine with Emery Jai and did not use any of it. I think I used the fancy baby tub twice. It, for me, is much easier to go old school and use a sink! With Guice we did use some a bouncy and a swing on occasion but not very often. He really preferred to play on the floor. He got every bath in the sink and never slept in a crib, he seems to be turning out fine!
G loves to pat my belly and talk to the baby. He also likes to feed the baby via my belly button.
Guice likes to point out whether a person is a boy, girl, man, or woman. He is also trying out adjectives! I love seeing their language develop; all that reading does pay off!
They really play together now. It is so sweet to see! I wondered if it would ever happen! I really enjoy the kids being close in age, I was not sure if I would ever be able to say that!
G spends quit a bit of time in time out! He is a stinker! I remember EJ being very hard to reason with at this age also, so I guess, this too shall pass! He will ask for something but as soon as you hand it to him he screams and throws it! What in the world????
EJ, on the other hand, is actually settling down and becoming such a sweet little girl! She is very well mannered! Always says please and thank you, we are working very hard on yes ma’am and no ma’am! Don’t get me wrong, she can still be a mess! She is very much her own person and very opinionated (I have no idea where she gets it)!
Emery Jai is very ready for “her girls” (Natalie, Emily, and Hannah) to come in for Easter. Guice is ready to see Ayden, it has been such a long time! It will be a busy but very fun weekend!

Spaghetti Night!

Silly Daddy!
Poor Ollie was even covered in pasta! That face says it all!

We went to Papa & memaw’s for AMAZING spaghetti! The kids had a blast! They love Olli so very much and he really seems to like them! EJ is convinced that he will be hunting eggs with her Easter.

Lovin’ MiMi’s New Backyard!

MiMi just moved into a new house, it is beautiful! The kiddos love the backyard! EJ was a little apprehensive about the move but she hasn’t said a word about the old house after her first trip to the new one! Also “her room” is set up just like before, so that helps the transition. G is cool as long as he has snacks and books!

The Name Game!

Josh and I are almost sure we have ruled out Maryalice. I really like the meaning but would really like a more unique name. We have Emery Jai and Guice so we need something with a little more personality! I did not feel like Maryalice fit in with our other names. So, put a hold on all embroidery orders for nowJ! We are open for suggestions. With all that has happened during the pregnancy we would like to use a biblical-ish name. Not necessarily straight out of the Bible but something that relays that feeling. Clear as mud, huh?
A quick story:
I was at MiMi’s discussing scraping Maryalice when EJ grabbed my tummy and said “NO, Maryalice is not scraps!” We died laughing!

Amniotic Gluid & Heart Rate....

We were thrilled to hear that everything looks GREAT! The fluid level is on the high side of normal, wonderful news! Also, the heart rate was a perfect 136! I have one more of these nerve racking ultrasounds, please keep us in your thoughts! Our next scan will be a full anatomy check, they will also recheck for Down syndrome markers. It is on the 8th! Thanks to everyone who remembered and called to check on us yesterday.