Monday, August 31, 2009

New Post....

coming soon...............

Friday, August 14, 2009

Back to reality!

Well tomorrow the fun really starts, I am going home. I have been spoiled by my parents for almost two weeks! No cleaning, cooking, laundry, or being alone with 3 children! They have been working split days to help me out, I am very lucky! But, all good things must come to an end, sadly. I am going home tomorrow! So far, everything has gone way better than expected. Emery Jai and Guice have adjusted to Evergrace so well. Then again, we have not been alone:). I am so thankful for such wonderful parents! I am praying the adjustment from a family of 4 to 5 continues to be a smooth one! I am very excited to see my amazing husband and the kiddos are ready to see Daddy. I also know 4 other Grandparents who are very ready to see EJ & G home and are just dieing to get their hands on the newest blessing! So, I will have a lot of help once I get home.

Two weeks aready????

How did we get so very lucky? We have another GREAT baby! She is sleeping wonderfully and nursing great! She hardly ever fusses and hasn't really cried! Her sister and brother absolutely think she is the best thing that has ever happened. They love her and want to hold her all the time. Guice asks if he can pet her:)! At two weeks she is smiling up a storm, holding her head up, and cooing. She is weighing a bit over 12 lbs already putting her in 3-6 month clothes.
Smiling baby! Playing with big brother!

Can you believe she is only 2 weeks!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Horse Progress Days!

I am just now getting pics up from the first of July! EJ had so much fun at Horse Progress Days, I think she would run off and be Amish! What a wonderful memory making opportunity to travel with Pop & NeNa to Washington Indiana. EJ is a very lucky little girl!

EJ loving on a bunny!Sitting in a wagon!

Miniature Donkeys!

Amish team of horses!

EJ at an Amish farm!

Hangin' With Pop & NeNa!

Emery Jai & Guice have spent a ton of time with Pop & NeNa this past month or so! They have loved every second of it! I just wanted to share pics from their adventures!
EJ always "on"! G and his baby blues!

EJ & G!
G's favorite watermelon!
Checking out Pop's lambs!
Watching the Hatfield parade!
G reading!

G and his fly spanker!
EJ looking oh so sweet!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Who does Evergrace look like???

I created a poll! Here are a few pics for comparison!
Emery Jai????



Two weeks ago today...

I checked in the hospital at 6 am to have our 3rd child! First, a little back ground. I did not want to be induced but was so very miserable, I was measuring just shy of 50 cm's! My waist was 56 in! I would wake up at night gasping for air, I just could not do it one second longer. I would have had a c-section if he would have offered it. I begged and pleaded for an induction, cried for one. Dr. M agreed and we scheduled it for the next day!
So back to the story we checked in at 6 am the I.V. and pitocin were started immediately. Dr. M came in at around 7-7:30 and broke my water I was 3. There was a ton of water, had to completely change the bed twice! Things started kind of slow, of course. At 10ish I was just at 4. I got a little discouraged but considering my prior labors was not surprised. At around 10:30 I got seriously shaky and asked to be checked I was 5. Now, this whole time I was standing up walking around. I could not walk very far because I was hooked up to the monitors but was not laying in bed. I was laughing and talking between contractions but was quite during them. Also, by this time I was on full pitocin. Josh was amazing! He rubbed my back, got the potty chair:), held me during contractions, and most importantly prayed for me to have strength! 30 min. later I was moaning during contractions and having feeling a little pushy. I was also throwing up, I am one of the lucky ones who always throw up:)! So, again, asked to be checked and was 8!!! I was thrilled I was laughing I was so happy! My nurse called Dr. M and he was on his way. She did not want me to really push because she did not want to deliver the baby. She was certain Evergrace was going to have a difficult birth. Dr. M was there in record time. I was still very comfortable considering. Josh and I were laughing about all the garb he was putting on. We also joked about it being to late for an epidural. Leah could not believe I was talking let alone joking. Dr. M and Leah (nurse) discussed what to do if/when the babies shoulders got stuck. I was not in stirrups I can't stand those things. All the stuck baby talk made me super nervous, not surprisingly, and then I lost focus. Pushing REALLY hurt and I was REALLY scared. I pushed for about 20-25 min. And, yes I did scream and yell! I apologized to Dr. M & Leah afterwards and they both said they would still be screaming:). Anyway, Evergrace Wimberly Anderson made her appearance at 12:22! My labor was super fast for me, around 6 1/2 hours (which is actually on the high side of average for 3rd time moms:). My mom almost did not make it in time. She caught the last 10 min of pushing. My mother in law was there and also Summer my sister in law. She was born super easily, no assistance from forceps or vacuum. Her apgar's were 9 -10! Dr. M could was amazed how easily she was born and her size. While the nurses had her he kept saying "I want a weight on that kid". Leah was also in shock, it was the largest baby she has seen be born naturally. She has been an L&D nurse for 10 plus years. Josh, Mom, & I cried when we saw she was so very healthy! The first things that I asked were is she okay and does she have Down syndrome. Josh and I are still and will continue to praise God for her health.
So, after the birth I lost a lot of blood and was shaking so bad I could not hold her! I was so sad. It lasted about 5-10 min, but felt like forever. I have to say it was an amazing experience! I had no pain medication and never asked for any or really felt like I needed it, the power of prayer! All the church ladies were praying for me to be able to go drug free. I had a very good reason. If something were wrong with Evergrace I did not want to worry about effects lasting from drugs or an epidural. If she were to go to the nursery I wanted to be able to walk there too or if she were transferred well, I was going! So, that was serious motivation.
Adoring our miracle! 10 lbs 5oz, 21 &1/2 inches, 15 head circumference!

Emery Jai & her little sister! She is so proud of her!

Guice is now a big brother!

Family of 5!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Someone Looks A Lot Like.....

their DADDY! With his new super short hair cut Guice looks just like Joshua! While getting his hair cut he told the lady "Don't cut my nose off!" He is hilarious and oh so big! I am loving being this little boys Mom! One of the three greatest gifts from God I have, four if you count my AMAZING man:)!

Our Girls!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

so much going on...

Well, long story short, I have had a rough recovery! It has been by far the worst of the 3. I was readmitted to the hospital for "issues" late Thursday night. Got that all taken care of then started running a very high (103.9) fever on Sunday! I had an infection, blah! I could not have made it without my personal L&D nurse to call, thanks Jessica! I am feeling 100% better and most importantly Evergrace is just perfect!
I have so much to blog about and so little time! Emery Jai is loving her little sister, it is the sweetest! EJ is also saying the funniest things such as "Your belly is not huge anymore, just fat." and lets not forget when I said I was sleepy she asked "Mom, are you pregnant again?"
Also, my baby boy turned 2! This of course deserves its own post! I can not believe he is 2! So be looking forward to that post honoring my little man and his birthday!
I have to say going from 2 to 3 has been so much easier than 1 to 2, Thank heavens!!!
We are doing great! I will post more about delivery/birth and the kiddos soon!
Thanks to everyone who has been praying for my recovery!