Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Guess what I got????

A new lap top!! WOOOHOOO! TONS of post coming soon and very soon! Also, I will take down my crazy Christmas music, yes I know some of it is in Spanish:)! Lots of updates......

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We have a new family member! Bethlehem! She is a 5 month old beagle french bull dog mix (hybrid, if you want to get fancy;)! Emery Jai and Guice love her, no surprise there! Evergrace is also a huge fan, Bethlehem takes the focus off of her. The kids named her, care to take a guess what we have been discussing? The birth of our Savior! There was a toss up between Bethlehem and the runner up Judy Banana! We haven't been talking about anyone named Judy or bananas...not sure where Guice got that one! We are looking forward to many great years and wonderful memories with Bethlehem!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Emery Jai's Snow!

To make a long story short, because I am using my blackberry:)! Emery Jai asked God for snow on Tuesday night. Guess what it was doing on the next day??? That's right SNOWING!! EJ was so excited! She called and told everyone! All she could talk about for days was how God sent her snow!

Friday, December 4, 2009

4 month check up!!!

Evergrace's latest stats...
Weight 19 1/2 lbs
Length 28 in
Head circumference 18 1/2!!
She is doing so well! Rolling over both ways, reaching for toys, and can sit up in a tripod position!! I wish I could post pics, she is so stinkin cute!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

So our computer is down and out, thanks to Guice! I will be back to posting asap!