Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Week 16

So it was a very exciting week! I started having some pain early Monday, I went in for some tests everything checked out. I measured 18 weeks and had lost 2 more pounds. The heart rate was great at 150 beats a minute. The pain continued so Joni wanted me to have an ultra sound. I went Friday afternoon. The ultra sound took forever. When it was finally over she said everything looked great! The baby was measuring a little big, 18 weeks and I'm 16, but it's not like I expected a small or even average size baby. So most importantly we are having a very healthy baby! Then she asked if I wanted to know the sex. I asked if she knew for sure, because its early, she said she was 100% sure. So I in a moment of weakness said OK. It's a Boy!
I have been feeling movement for about 2 weeks but its becoming more regular and predictable. I always feel better when I can feel the baby move. We are trying out a couple of names, nothing for sure. We are having a harder time picking out a boy's name that we agree on. Josh and I are so thankful and grateful to be having a healthy baby.

Emery Jai

Emery Jai is changing so much everyday. She is turning more and more into a little girl. I love being able to stay home with her, but she keeps me so busy. Every morning the first person she ask for is Daddy next is Kit Kat. She ask about her 100 times a day. She wants to "play" with her all day. Kit Kat might call this type of play harassment. This week was her first mohawk, spent the night with Aunt Erica for the first time, and climbed all the way to the top of the stairs! I have pictures of all of this but I can not get them to post, I will keep trying. This is Emery riding her horse, she loves him. She gets on and off all day.

Monday, February 19, 2007


It's a boy! Josh had no idea I had an ultra sound, so it came as quite a shock that I knew the sex of the baby. I found out Friday afternoon. It was so hard not to tell him, I convinced him to drive all night Saturday night so he would be here Sunday morning. I could not sleep at all Saturday night! We were still in our pajamas! I told Josh I had a surprise for him, he was very confused. Then my Mom came out with the camera, I think that scared him. Anyway Emery Jai was going to walk out with the balloons that said It's A Boy, but she did not want to. So She and I carried them out. Josh was/is so very very excited!

Monday, February 5, 2007

Prego Pic's

Here are belly shots at 14 weeks! When I was pregnant with Emery Jai we called her "baby j" untill we had her real name, that's where we got her middle name. We did not have a name for this one until today. The other day I told my Mom I looked like I was having a baby elephant. Today she called the baby Ellie, short for elephant. We think it's a good nickname. However, I don't think that Ellie will be part of the name.
I am feeling great! I have not had any headaches for about 2 weeks. I'm not sick any more, I can not believe how well I feel. I never felt this good with Emery Jai. I hope it last until August!

Daddy's Home!!

Josh came in for the night, Emery Jai was so happy to see him. She would not let him put her down. The first thing she did when she woke up was to see if Dad was still here. Josh and Emery Jai watched the Super Bowl Sunday night. Emery LOVED it, she must have yelled touch down a hundred times!

Dad and Emery Jai watching the game!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

We Are Moved!

It is official we are moved! Josh is in Nashville TN, while Emery and I are at my parents house. Josh made the trip last night to Nashville. He called to say he had made it safe and sound. Josh also said that his hotel was not quite 4 stars, more like negative 2. He started his new job today, I haven't heard how it's going, great I'm sure.
Emery Jai LOVES living with Kit Kat. Kit Kat does not feel the same. Emery starts looking for the cat as soon as she wakes up. Emery does miss her Daddy she asks about him constantly. I am sure when he gets back Nena and Pop will have spoiled her beyond belief.