Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Week 16

So it was a very exciting week! I started having some pain early Monday, I went in for some tests everything checked out. I measured 18 weeks and had lost 2 more pounds. The heart rate was great at 150 beats a minute. The pain continued so Joni wanted me to have an ultra sound. I went Friday afternoon. The ultra sound took forever. When it was finally over she said everything looked great! The baby was measuring a little big, 18 weeks and I'm 16, but it's not like I expected a small or even average size baby. So most importantly we are having a very healthy baby! Then she asked if I wanted to know the sex. I asked if she knew for sure, because its early, she said she was 100% sure. So I in a moment of weakness said OK. It's a Boy!
I have been feeling movement for about 2 weeks but its becoming more regular and predictable. I always feel better when I can feel the baby move. We are trying out a couple of names, nothing for sure. We are having a harder time picking out a boy's name that we agree on. Josh and I are so thankful and grateful to be having a healthy baby.