Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Guess what I got????

A new lap top!! WOOOHOOO! TONS of post coming soon and very soon! Also, I will take down my crazy Christmas music, yes I know some of it is in Spanish:)! Lots of updates......

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


We have a new family member! Bethlehem! She is a 5 month old beagle french bull dog mix (hybrid, if you want to get fancy;)! Emery Jai and Guice love her, no surprise there! Evergrace is also a huge fan, Bethlehem takes the focus off of her. The kids named her, care to take a guess what we have been discussing? The birth of our Savior! There was a toss up between Bethlehem and the runner up Judy Banana! We haven't been talking about anyone named Judy or bananas...not sure where Guice got that one! We are looking forward to many great years and wonderful memories with Bethlehem!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Emery Jai's Snow!

To make a long story short, because I am using my blackberry:)! Emery Jai asked God for snow on Tuesday night. Guess what it was doing on the next day??? That's right SNOWING!! EJ was so excited! She called and told everyone! All she could talk about for days was how God sent her snow!

Friday, December 4, 2009

4 month check up!!!

Evergrace's latest stats...
Weight 19 1/2 lbs
Length 28 in
Head circumference 18 1/2!!
She is doing so well! Rolling over both ways, reaching for toys, and can sit up in a tripod position!! I wish I could post pics, she is so stinkin cute!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

So our computer is down and out, thanks to Guice! I will be back to posting asap!

Monday, November 23, 2009


we are moved in and unpacked, for the most part! of course, the most important part, the internet is up and running! wooo hooo! i will be back and posting very soon!

Thursday, November 12, 2009


Well we are moved! Not unpacked or anything of that nature but all our junk is out of the old one and into the VERY old one! I LOVE the house. It is too cute. It has old wood doors and very, very low counter tops. I am 5 foot 11 inches. The kitchen sink is way more suitable for Emery Jai, I think she should be washing dishes! We did hit a bump in the road. Emery Jai & Guice caught a virus! They were super sick. It is a very long story but because they are never sick. Really, never. Emery Jai has had one round of antibiotic and she is almost 4. Guice has never been to the doctor except for well child checkups. They do not have a primary care physician. Anywhoo, it lasted for a solid week and we were moving. To sum it all up, I caught it on Monday. I quickly called my mother to come and rescue us. Everyone is feeling 100% better! Evergrace got a little bit sick, not much. She spit up 2 times but that was it. The power of breast milk! My wonderful, amazing man is at the house working diligently to have everything in some sort of order by the time we get back which will be Sunday. I am looking forward to some normalcy. EJ & G haven't been to church in two weeks or dance. They are missing everyone, as am I!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Nope, I am not expecting (yet:). We are moving! Yes, for real (seriously). This will be our 5th move in a little over a year. Crazy town, I know! The man who owns our current home showed up on my (his:) doorstep Saturday to tell me they wanted their home back. After a small break down I collected myself. I knew God had something better in store and he did! We found a super cool, super old house downtown!! Everyone who knows me knows I would take a 100 year old home over new construction in a heartbeat! So....goodbye 5 yr old home, Hello super cool amazing 100 + yr old home! Goodbye 20 min drive, Hello 2 min! Goodbye woods, Hello civilization! Goodbye sensible boring floor plan, Hello rockin layout. Goodbye regular, tons of shelves, plenty of room for towels and toothpaste vanities, Hello dressers turned into bathroom sink holders! Goodbye 1300 sq feet, Hello 2100 sq feet! Goodbye closets and storage, Hello no closets and little attic spaces turned in to storage;)! Goodbye hum-ho siding, Hello rock! Goodbye laundry room off kitchen, Hello washer/dryer hookups in the garage! Goodbye regular everyday bath tub, Hello super deep, claw foot bath! Goodbye dirt road, Hello pavement! Goodbye home phone, welcome back texting!

We are moving this week! We are so excited! I am so very behind in blogging and getting much more behind.....not sure when our internet will be down here and up there!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lovin' the jumperoo!!

We got Evergrace this super cool jumperoo and she loves it! She never liked her swing or bouncy, she might have spent a grand total of 1 hour in them combined. E prefers to be held. I almost did not get this at all, I did not know if she would like it. So very glad I did! We did not have one with the EJ or G, so it is new for all of us. The older two love to "help" her bounce and play! We have already had to raise it up! She is growing like a weed!

Blurry but cute! notice her tongue??? so cute!

Sweet Sweet Smiles!!!!!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Changing of the colors!!

Guice LOVES motorcycles, loves them! We happen to live in a town where there are a ton of
them, lucky lucky Guyboo! This weekend the CMA had a huge motorcycle rally, Gman was in hog heaven! We went to the parade down town. Guice was smiling so hard I thought his checks were going to crack. Emery Jai had a great time also as well as Evergrace!

EJ, G, & NeNa!

EJ waiting for the parade!

Just the girls!

How Wonderful!!!

Emery Jai & Guyboo are sleeping in their own beds and loving it! We read 4 books, two each, say our prayers, and then they go and get in their beds and go to sleep! I am still in amazed at how easy the transition went. No tears or anything. I am very thankful! We are all sleeping so much better.

Sleeping All Night!!

Evergrace is sleeping all night long! She has been for awhile, about 2-3 weeks! None of other kiddos slept Through the night until after they turned one! I remember night weaning Guice and he was at least 14 months and still nursed around 2-3 times a night. I am thrilled that E is sleeping in her own bed all night! I must say, I do not sleep all night. I still get up every couple of hours and check on her:).

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Saturday, October 17, 2009


Guice Brewer Anderson is a big boy, he is 100% potty trained (he does wear pullups at night)! We are beyond thrilled! We started the process when he was around 17 months but I did not stick with it. We tried a couple of more time but between moving two times and a very stressful pregnancy I never continued very long. I know he has been ready for a while, just waiting on me to get with it. He was more stubborn and had way more attitude than Emery Jai but from what I hear having a boy fully trained at 26 months is great. The extra 9 months of diapers that he wore compared to EJ drove me nuts! I **WILL** potty train Evergrace at 17 months, I think it is so much easier than waiting! Plus, the bribe is much smaller:). EJ was given plastic farm animals, the super cheap ones! We rewarded him with his very own fourwheeler! he loves it! Just 15 short months and I get to potty train another one wooo hooo hooo:)!!

Carving fall pumpkins!!

I thought the kids would LOVE this, I was very wrong! They did not like the smell of the pumpkin guts:)! They did however want to use the sharp. So we had fun but they were not overly excited about it. Miss Evergrace loved sitting in her bumbo and watching it all.

Our Front Porch!!

One of many pics of my fabulous, if I do say so myself, front porch!
The scarecrow we made!
Our porch at night!

Pumpkins we carved, fall leaves, circles, and an A for Anderson!

Scarecrow family!

Right side of the porch!

Our new home has a wonderful front porch and we decorated it to the fullest for fall this year! It was a great opportunity to teach the kiddo's about fall, seasons, months, and Thanksgiving! We had a blast and it turned out awesome! Thanks to Memaw & Mimi all the stuff was very affordable! Memaw found a ton of stuff at a local resale shop and Mimi got some at a yard sale.

Friday, October 16, 2009

"How can it be a large career
to tell other people's children about arithmetic
and a small career to tell one's own children about the universe?
How can it be broad to be the same thing to everyone
and narrow to be everything to someone?
No, a woman's function is laborious
because it is gigantic,
not because it is minute."

G. K. Chesterton

2 Month Stats!!

Well....2 & 1/2 to be exact:)! Are as follows....
Our tiny (hahaha) baby weighs 16.9 lbs and is 25 3/4 in long! Her head circumference is 18 in! She is off the charts! Dr. B evaluated her development and she is surpassing all her milestones for a 2 month old! Evergrace has been super healthy and I pray she continues this path. We opted out of vaccines this month, Dr. B did not give me much grief about it. We go back in two months, Dr. B said he wanted her doing layups by then!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Evergrace enjoying bath time.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Are now on! Feel free to leave a ton, nice ones of course:)!

In His Element!

Guice would spend all day every day outside piddling around! He loves to ride the lawn mower, catch bugs, and fix things! The weather is never too hot or cold or wet! Or are the bugs too bad:)!
Guice giving PaPa a ride on the tractor:)!

I know who Evergrace looks like!!

Jack Nicholson:)!!

Updates Updates Get Your Updates!!!

So very much has been going on and I have blogged so very little! For shame! I have been very busy seeking the Lord, preparing for a bible study, being a wife to the most wonderful man, mom to 3 very bright and spirited kids, and tons of other things that make my life ever so wonderful! I have just a second and wanted to do updates on the kiddos! This is after all my virtual scrapbook!
The kiddos Stats!
Emery Jai 3 yrs & 7 mos 45inches tall & 52 lbs!
Guice 2 yrs & 1 mo 40 inches tall & 36 lbs!
Evergrace 2 mo....waiting for her well child check up on the 15th!

Emery Jai never ceases to amaze me at what she says/does! She is for sure a constant source of entertainment! One night she went to bed crying because I would not let her ride the bus to hair cutting school! I tried my best to explain there are certain steps to follow before cosmetology school. EJ was not having any of it!
Guice is following in his sisters footsteps! After we read our night time story involving a lion & zebra's he had to call Pop & check on Levi! How smart is he? He loves to talk on the phone as does Emery Jai. When I hang up after a conversation I hear them both say who was that and what did they have to say.
Emery Jai & Guice are out of our bed! WOOOHOOOOWOOO! They now sleep in EJ's bed! The transition could not have gone better! Seriously, no tears at all! Emery Jai will tell me she is not scared because God sent all his Angels to protect and watch over her! AMAZING! They even fall asleep on their own! My babies are growing up!
Evergrace is doing very well nursing all the time and is super healthy! She is rolling over from front to back, reaching for toys, and cooing all the time.
Guice loves spiders. When he sees a spider web he says "Oh, there is a spider web. Where is the spider?" and then will not rest until he finds it!
Guice is now in Little Lambs, he has moved out of the nursery! We did a trial run with him last Sunday and he did wonderful. Usually, kids are 3 before they move up but G did so good he started early. Mrs. Jaime said he did great, sat still, and answered questions about the bible story!
Emery Jai loves to learn. We have started working on preschool and she loves it. When I ask her a question and she gets it wrong she will have me repeat the question until she gets it right!
Evergrace is sleeping very well at night she goes down around 11 and wakes up about 7:30! She is the first one of my kids to sleep this much, I still wake up constantly to check on her:)!
EJ & G LOVE Evergrace so much! If she makes the tiniest noise they yell for me to check on her! They fight over who gets to hold her or pick out her clothes!
Guice would stay outside all day long! The past several days have been rainy and nasty. He is a very grumpy boy! He is a lot like his namesake!
One evening at supper we had a very interesting conversation, the topic revolved around if Jesus ever went to timeout, if Angles lied, and did God hit. Want to take a guess at what behavior issues we are having at our house?
Guice is super picky about his clothes. They have to fit just right. His trousers (this is what he calls his khaki's) have to cover his shoe strings or he pulls on them until they do!
Emery Jai now only wants to wear pants, she, in her own words, is over dresses!
Dance is going great! Emery Jai & Guice are super excited about the recital coming up in the spring.

Best Place To Eat In Mena!!

We LOVE the Branding Iron! It is fabulous! I am not just saying that because my one & only manages it, either! The kiddos want to eat there all the time. We keep the number low because they think they work there too! They will yell for their Daddy while he is working...not the best situation:). Josh asked Guice what he wanted to order Guice responded McDonald's! Emery Jai has ordered for herself for over 2 years & Guice has for about a year now. They are really good at it. EJ & G expect their own menu to read, I know we eat out way too much!
EJ waiting patiently on her food! G with his camera taking pics, I have no idea where he gets that:)!

EJ & G!!

Of course Evergrace was there too she was just hanging out close to me, as always!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

All things sweet.....

I have a most precious little man! He spent most of his day chasing grasshoppers and other creepy crawly bugs, took a bath, put on his sisters dress, and fell asleep holding his "hoppers"!
I LOVE being this little mans Mom!

p.s. he is in his sisters room:)! he might like to wear dresses to bed but does like his horse bedroom:)!

Bugs Beware!!

Seems we have two expert bug catchers, oh, and one in training:)! EJ & G enjoyed a day of bug hunting!
Emery Jai caught two grasshoppers and a cricket! G got bitten about 20 times! Poor guy, but as usual the bites bothered Mom way more than him!

Checkin' 'em out!!

A man & his bugs!

every little thing she does is...

Evergrace smiles all the time! Here are a few pics!! enjoy:)!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Two Months Today!!

Miss Evergrace Wimberly is 2 months today! Where in the world does time go? I completely missed her 1 month update, oopps! So, some of this info should have been in that post but I carried over:)!
On our home scale she weighs 16 1/2 lbs! Her check up is the 15, I will have an official weight then.
She wears 6-9 mth or 9 mth clothes and is in a size 2 diaper but will move up to 3 the next box!
She is rolling over, has for awhile like 4 weeks!
Eats all the time. She has not had a bottle, I am way too busy to pump so just straight from the source:)!
Very much a mommas girl, see previous statement:).
She "talks" a lot.
E smiles all the time, very happy baby!
She is so very good!
makes eye contact and has for a while.
E's head control is very good. Hold it off the floor and can look from side to side.
She might not be the cutest, smartest, sweetest, most precious baby I have ever seen but she is in the top 3!

Swing Set!

Guice got a new swing set for his birthday! He & EJ really like it. Although, EJ thought it would be more like the one at the park:)! Thanks to Pop & NeNa for chipping in & Pa Pa & Memaw for putting it together!
G & his first slide down! EJ & G playing!

Pa Pa & Memaw putting it together!

Brother & Sister! Too cute!

Happy Birthday Guice!

I know I am incredibly late but better late than never right??!?! And, in all fairness we did add a new family member the day before his birthday! I had planed a birthday party for this weekend and it just did not happen! However, Pop & NeNa brought a super cute cake and we gave him his gift ( swing set post coming soon).
Eating ever so nicely!

Blowing out his candle! He is a pro, he blew it out on his first birthday too!

Super cute bug cake! Complete with Guice's favorite....ticks!
Guice at TWO!!
He wears size 3T clothes and 101/2 shoe.
He is 35 lbs and VERY tall (not sure I will measure:)
Talks all the time and says the smartest things! For example: I said the bugs are eating us we need to go inside. Guice said Hey, I am not food!
He can could objects to 7 or 9 on a good day.
Knows his colors
LOVES all bugs.
Has caught a lizard.
Loves to read so much.
Loves music can sing the b-i-b-l-e and Jesus loves me just to name a few
Recently received a drum from Pop & NeNa, he loves it! He is getting very good at keeping the beat!
Loves praise and worship at Church.
He likes to lead prayer and also prays when I pray.
Is not potty trained because basically he doesn't want to be! He will say "No tee tee on potty! Tee tee in my diaper!" He can and will tee tee and poo poo on the potty but he would rather just go in his diaper. When he is dirty he brings me wipes and a diaper and tells me to change him, he has done this for about 6 months now!
Guice looks forward to dance class! He is very good and gets to be help the teacher often!
He can buckle and unbuckle his car seat.
Guice will climb on things and declare that he is Standing on the word of God!
Josh and I feel so blessed to be parents to such an incredible little man! We pray daily that we raise him in a Godly home and that we fulfill our role to the fullest!

Faith Boot Camp!

Evergrace's first night in a hotel room! She did GREAT!

Evergrace & I attended Faith boot camp this past weekend, what a BLAST! This is my second time to go and I love it, wish it was every single weekend:)! Evergrace was wonderful, she just rode around in her sling and smiled and cooed at everyone. All the ladies thought she was the cutest thing, I am sure they don't say that about all babies:)! The teaching was AWSOME! Now all I have to do is apply it to my life, which is super easy right?!?!

Preach it sister!! Aunt Summer helping Abrey hold Evergrace!

Mimi & Evergrace!

Taking a nap!