Saturday, October 17, 2009


Guice Brewer Anderson is a big boy, he is 100% potty trained (he does wear pullups at night)! We are beyond thrilled! We started the process when he was around 17 months but I did not stick with it. We tried a couple of more time but between moving two times and a very stressful pregnancy I never continued very long. I know he has been ready for a while, just waiting on me to get with it. He was more stubborn and had way more attitude than Emery Jai but from what I hear having a boy fully trained at 26 months is great. The extra 9 months of diapers that he wore compared to EJ drove me nuts! I **WILL** potty train Evergrace at 17 months, I think it is so much easier than waiting! Plus, the bribe is much smaller:). EJ was given plastic farm animals, the super cheap ones! We rewarded him with his very own fourwheeler! he loves it! Just 15 short months and I get to potty train another one wooo hooo hooo:)!!


Nic said...

Way to go G! Everytime I see your header picture I can't help but Laugh. I just love it!!

Holli said...

WooHoo! Way to go Guice!

The Flores' said...

Yay Guice! Love the big boy undies- too cute!!

The Anderson family said...

Congrats Guice! Feel free to send any leftover size 6 diapers this way! :)

Lindsay said...

Good Job, Guy Boo!!! Nothin' like a man in tighty whities.

(That wasn't inappropriate was it?)

"Aunt" Lindsay :)