Monday, September 27, 2010

Guice is3!

Okay, so he has been for a while now:)! I am a bit behind on this post, whats new? Ha! Guice is our big man, he prefers to be called man rather than boy. He corrects people who call him a boy! He LOVES four wheelers, trucks, boats, and of course motorcycles! Pop & NeNa got him a motorcycle for his birthday but he will not ride it because it is for little boys not big men! He as requested a real motorcycle, a real boat, and a real four wheeler for his next birthday. For Christmas he wants a cat. He is beyond sweet, he tells me all the time that he will protect me. He tells me this is why he sleeps in my bed, not because he is scared but because I might be:). Makes my heart melt! He loves football and basketball and says he is going to play for the Razorbacks. We are good with that:)! He LOVES mean shows, any cartoon where there is a fight. For example Tarzan. He loves it! He doesn't really pay attention until the fighting starts then he is glued to the T.V.!
He says the funniest things ever!
Guice is going to marry Isabella, Maddie, and Bree They are going to live on the ocean in boats.
If you ask him if he is going to be a daddy when he grows up he says "No, I am going to be a man and drive motorcycles!"
Pop & NeNa were in town for his birthday and were trying to get him to take a nap. He went and got his Bible took it to NeNa opened it and said "This is the bible and it says right here no night night!" I laughed till I cried!
If he doesn't want to do something he points to the wall and says "See that sign it says no picking up toys!" Or whatever he doesn't want to do!
He is very creative. He doesn't have toy guns so he made one! He used a small curtain rod and a hanger. The triangle part of the hanger was the butt of the gun and the curtain rod was the barrel!
He really likes music and picks up on it very quickly. We were at Spinelli's eating and he said "Hey, Daddy I hear a trumpet." It was a big band song! He can pick out a couple other instruments also.
His favorite song is What If His People Prayed.
Guice loves to preach:)!
He was very excited that his leason last week in Sunday School was about David killing the giant with rocks! He thought that was super cool and hopes to kill a giant soon.
He isn't a picky eater at all! Loves just about everything and anything! Eats tons of veggies and fruits. His favorite meal is scrambled eggs, bacon, fried ham, and biscuits and jelly! We had it two nights in a row last week and he wanted it for a third!
He eats a ton. At McDonald's he orders a nugget happy meal and a cheese burger and always wants an ice cream cone!
His only complaint about MDO is that he doesn't get a hot lunch. He usually ask to go see Daddy at work then happens to order food while we are saying hi! Works for me:)!
He wears a 5T and is in a size 12 shoe.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Baby Bump!!!

15 weeks 2 days!!

Told you I am HUGE:)!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Super Funny!!

****Do not read if you are an over sensitive formula feeder:)*****

But..But.. I can’t formula feed! (Common breastfeeding excuses applied to formula/bottles)
by S. on June 24, 2010
(Disclaimer: I have nothing against formula-feeding or supplementing moms. I was just struck by a random moment of humor where I realized that many of the reasons why a mom might choose to formula feed over breastfeeding actually apply to my decision to breastfeed.)

I can’t formula feed. I have low supply. Once I empty a can, it wouldn’t magically fill back up again. I’d try the whole “supply and demand” thing of going to the grocery store to stock back up. But my baby would scream if I do that. I can’t stand the screaming!

Besides, my cabinets are too small and I’d prefer to keep them sexy and uncluttered with all the formula cans. I’ve heard that formula feeding only works for people with big cabinets, anyway. As long as they’re not SO big that it’s hard to stack the formula cans. So really, formula feeding only works for people with medium sized cabinets.

And I’d be nervous about wondering if my baby was getting enough or getting too much. How do formula feeding moms know that their baby is getting enough? If baby cries, how do they know if he wants a bottle or if he wants a pacifier? And how do they know if they’re over-feeding baby? Every weight check would make me paranoid that my formula mixing skills were just not up to par.

I’d also be afraid to go out of my house if I was formula feeding. I’d be afraid that I forgot the bottles or the nipples or the formula or that I didn’t bring enough, or that I brought too much. And besides, I feel SO awkward trying to bottle feed my baby. He always screams when I’m mixing the formula, but I can’t mix it any faster because I need to make sure all the clumps are gone. There’s just no way I can imagine bottle feeding a baby discreetely in public! I’ve tried all those hints and tips that I’ve seen other mothers mention, but I just can’t get a hang of it.

Not to mention nighttime bottles. I like getting sleep. How do you get sleep if you have to prepare and warm a bottle? I just can’t imagine how a parent could do it. Plus, there’s so many worries about formula and SIDS that I’d be afraid my baby would die. (excuse commonly applied to co-sleeping)

And how would I be able to pay attention to my older child while I’m bottle feeding or washing the bottles? Not to mention the fact that it would interfere with my husband’s ability to bond with our child, since he’d have to be washing bottles too. And working to pay for the formula.

Which brings me to another thing. I don’t think I could do the whole formula feeding thing, because I’d be constantly worried about the source of formula drying up. I mean. It’s a horrible economy. How will I know in the beginning if I can make it to a full year of formula feeding? If I were to formula feed, I’d always be worried about the supply. So I might try it in the beginning… But I have to tell ya, if the stock market drops any more than it has already.. I just wouldn’t be able to deal with the anxiety and would have to give it up.

Plus, what happens when baby gets teeth and starts to chew on the nipple bottles? And I hear it’s painful when you move from the ready-made formula to the cans of powdered formula, because those pull-tops can have razor-sharp edges. I don’t know if I would be able to deal with the pain of cutting up my fingers on those edges! Sure, in theory I could learn new techniques that would enable me to open the can without cutting myself.. But really, the idea of a paper cut makes me cringe, so I don’t even want to try. I think I’ll wean my baby off of formula when I need to make the switch away from the ready-made samples.

I don’t know how people do it, honestly. Maybe it’s easier with practice.. But I tried a few bottles in the beginning with my older son and it just didn’t work for me. So with this child I’m not even going to bother.

…Now how do I get those damned formula samples and coupons to stop showing up at my door? I tried throwing sage tea at them and wrapping them in chilled cabbage leaves. But none of the old tricks work, darnit. Maybe some benadryl?

Found this HERE and think it is too funny for words!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

All About Emery Jai!

Emery Jai is flourishing in Preschool! She loves going so much! She goes 5 days a week for 6 hours, yikes! We live in an extremely small town and there is not a single private preschool in the area. Full time public school is the only option. She does take her lunch, EJ was very unimpressed with the school lunches. She told me the fruit was slimy and the chicken wasn't white inside it was brown! HA! She has had limited exposure to can fruit and dark meat, she lives a sheltered life :)! EJ and I adore her teacher who happens to be her great aunt. Mrs. Lyle adores Emery Jai and said she is an example to the entire class! EJ has not been challenged by the curriculum thus far. She has told me several times that she hasn't learned anything that she didn't already know. Also, EJ believes that she is more of a helper than a student. HA! qI am trying desperately to keep God at the forefront of her day even if she isn't in a christian school, it is difficult. Every day I drop her off I tell her to let her light shine for Jesus. She asked if she could take her bible to tell other kids about God and Jesus, I almost cried! All the children took turns singing and while the other kids sung Hannah Montana and such songs EJ belted out I have decided to follow Jesus! I am very thankful that her teacher is a preachers wife. I do realize there is only so much she can do or say in the public school system. For the time being EJ loves going and helping other kids and telling them about Jesus and her Daddy and I couldn't be more proud of our girl!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

14 Weeks 4 Days!

This pregnancy is finally picking up some speed! Just another month and I will be half way there! Can you believe it!?!!? I have been sick but not super bad, I can still function for the most part. Unlike my pregnancies with the girls! I am HUGE! Which for me is expected, HA! I have decided to embrace it this go round! The check out lady at WalMart was AMAZED at how big I am. She told me I should "get checked". I informed her that I was under the care of a physician and everything was wonderful. She told me I should get a second opinion! Too funny!
I had a check up today and our tiniest sounded great! I measured 16 weeks:), heart rate was 156, and my blood pressure was 100/70!
I have resolved not to worry about the baby at all this time. I am an insane worrier during pregnancy, insane! This time I have turned it over completely (sometimes I take it back and hand it over several times a day:)) to God. HE has a perfect plan for this miracle, more than I could imagine and I am trusting HIM!
Baby bump pic to come!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Guice's First Day of MDO!

Guice decided very much on his own that he needed to go to school and learn too! It took him about 3 weeks to decided that he was completely ready to take the leap! One day he couldn't go because it was raining and it might flood, another time he decided he needed a hair cut! LOL! His first morning he went to his classroom and didn't even take the time to tell me bye! He was such a big boy! His teachers said he fit right in and acted as if he has gone there all along. Guice was on his best behavior. They said he was super sweet, a wonderful listener, and extremely articulate. I am so very proud of my big man!!
Ready for his big day! Pic of his super cute backpack!

Ready to go!

EJ had to squeeze in on his camera time!

Happy Happy Joy Joy We Are Having A......


So, I caved:)! I had a very strong feeling that our little one was a Boy & couldn't wait a second longer to find out! The second I swirled it turned DARK green! This is not 100%, so there is a chance we could need a girl name. Guice is so so so excited! He has told everyone for months that mommy is was having a boy. He would not entertain the thought that it might be a girl. EJ & G both knew I was taking the test and as soon as they woke up asked if we were having a boy. I am now very ready for my ultra sound to confirm it:)!