Monday, September 20, 2010

Guice's First Day of MDO!

Guice decided very much on his own that he needed to go to school and learn too! It took him about 3 weeks to decided that he was completely ready to take the leap! One day he couldn't go because it was raining and it might flood, another time he decided he needed a hair cut! LOL! His first morning he went to his classroom and didn't even take the time to tell me bye! He was such a big boy! His teachers said he fit right in and acted as if he has gone there all along. Guice was on his best behavior. They said he was super sweet, a wonderful listener, and extremely articulate. I am so very proud of my big man!!
Ready for his big day! Pic of his super cute backpack!

Ready to go!

EJ had to squeeze in on his camera time!


The Anderson family said...

ah, so cute! Happy to have you back in blog land!!

Lindsay said...