Thursday, June 7, 2007

We Have Moved!!

The family is officially reunited!! We could not be more excited! We have to thank the friends and family that helped us get here, we could not have done it without them. I came down last Thursday, Nena and Pop with the help of some others loaded up the moving truck and drove it to Nashville. Josh did not have to make the drive back and our stuff was here before we had planned. The move was not without excitement, our storage unit was burglarized. They did not take anything huge just mirrors, pictures, random boxes, and trash cans! It is funny that we were worried about the crime in Nashville and we were robbed in Arkansas.
We are just very thankful to be together, Thursday was the first time I had seen Josh in 7 weeks. He could not believe how big my belly is or how much Emery Jai has grown and how much she talks! Its just great to be back together.