Monday, June 18, 2007

New Kicks!

Emery Jai's new shoes! I can't believe how fast her feet grow! She got new shoes the weekend before Easter. Emery's foot was measuring 4 1/2 so we bought her 3 new pairs of size 5's. I had been noticing her toes getting very close to the end of her sandals, so we had her foot measured at the mall. E.J.'s foot is a size 6 now! I felt so bad, cramming her little foot into size 5's, but its only been 2 months! Anyway we got her 2 pairs of shoes. She got her first pair of tennis shoes, they're my favorite. We also got her a pair of white sandals. We bought size 6 1/2, I hope they last for a while. She is well on her way to a size 10, like her mom!

I Love These Shoes!

Every girl has to have a pair of white sandals!