Sunday, June 17, 2007

33 Weeks & 3 Days!

I am doing amazing! I can not believe I am 33 weeks, I am starting to panic a little I have so much to do! It is so funny because with Emery Jai everything was done perfectly at this point. I have to admit that it is a little different with the second one. Not that I am not just as excited, because I am, maybe more! More excited because people tell you how your going to feel, but you can not imagine it until you personally have experienced it. No words can explain the emotion that floods you when you look into the eyes of your baby! I can not wait to see his little face!
Its just I don't have the time I had with Emery Jai. Case in point I have a book that tells what the baby is doing everyday. With E.J. I read it religiously. First I read the whole month I was in, then the week, then I would read what day I was on daily. I would also call Nena and read it to her and I would read it to Josh. I probably read the same thing 20 times. And that was not the only book I was reading, I think I read 8 pregnancy/childbirth books with her. I have read bits and pieces of books with him, not a whole book. I haven't even read What To Expect When Expecting!! I got to month 6 sort of, I just read the highlights. I don't think I know it all, far from it, I would love to be able to prop my feet up relax and read! But I am afraid E.J. would set the house on fire! Enough rambling, this week is wonderful, I have an appointment on Wednesday I'll give an update then!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 33:fetus in eighth month For all the weight and bulk you’re lugging around these days, you’d think your little champ should weigh much more than a mere 5 lbs and measly 17 inches in height, but nope, that’s about the average size for a baby in its thirty-third week. In terms of appearances, they’re getting cuter and pudgier every minute—just piling on the baby fat and those adorable little wrist rolls and chubby toes. And as we’re sure you’ve already noticed they’re getting stronger with every passing day. Nowadays, it’s possible to observe a well-placed kick just by watching your belly—but you already knew that didn’t you? Although they’re getting stronger, your bigger-by-the-day baby is losing space to move around, so the actual rate of movement will drop off in the last few weeks, despite that powerful drop-kick they’ve been working on. Did you know you’ll continue feeling their movements even during labor?

Belly Pics!