Thursday, July 28, 2011

Something is missing.....

Emery Jai's tooth! Our big girl lost her first tooth! I admit I cried and cried about it! She is growing so very fast! wasn't she just my tiny newborn, she was right? She told me her tooth was wiggly and I told her it wasn't, I was so wrong on that one! When I felt it was loose I cried! She (as well as the dragon & Boo) got to pick out a special toy at walmart. She was so big she didn't cry at all when I pulled it! The Dragon has been mad as a hornet since, she wants her tooth to be pulled! She has tried and tried to get one out! She is a NUT! I know she will be a snagle tooth in a short time too! Emery Jai is the cutest little gaped tooth kid EVER!