Saturday, February 20, 2010

Updates, Updates, Get Your Updates!!

*Evergrace is almost crawling! she is scooting around everywhere and getting up on her knees! So very exciting, my baby is on the move....sort of!

*Emery Jai asked Josh to get her some juice, he told her just a second and she replied "Do it now or I will destroy your whole family!" hmmm....someone has been watching T.V. at the grandparents house:)!

*Guice has to go to a dermatologist about his eczema. When I told him he would be going he asked if the doctor was going to use scissors to cut it off! Bless his heart!

*I am reading a coulpe of super awesome books! I will review when I am far they are great!

*Evergrace has TWO teeth!

*She is eating a tiny bit and nursing a whole lot:). I gave her a sippy cup (her first experience with anything of that sort, E hasn't had a bottle) and she turned it straight up!

*Emery Jai & Guice have a recital coming up! I am just as excited as they are! EJ loves dance, she is the youngest in her class but picks up the steps very well. G is great at tumbling and that stuff. At the end of every class they free dance...G just runs! I think it is a boy thing:)!

*EJ asked Josh (aka Daddy Bear) if he had a girlfriend.

*Evergrace is super loud, she comes by it honestly. The other two do not have a soft voice in the least.

*Emery Jai & Guice are enjoying homeschool! I plan a detailed post on this including curriculum, materials, and such.

*I have started buying clothes for summer. EJ is a size 7, G is sporting 4T, and E is in 12-18 months.

*G loves gloves. He has several pairs and wears them all the time.

*Emery Jai loves Bethlehem. She is constantly taking care of her. So sweet!