Saturday, August 16, 2008

Birthday Paloozza!!

Today we celebrated Guice turning one! It was wonderful! I have to thank everyone who came, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Guice enjoyed his day immensely! He loved his balloons and loved the cake! He even blew out the candle by himself (I was thinking the same thing, he is a genius:)! Emery Jai was absolutely perfect. She was so very good. She waited calmly to open her gifts and thanked everyone. After all the guest had left she came in and asked me and NeNa to sing her happy birthday and let her blow out a candle, which of course we did! I almost cried. The party was great! I am amazed at how fast his first year went:(. Josh was not able to attend and we missed him greatly! It was not the same without him....
in no particular order:)....
Guice goin' to town!

Good stuff! A boy and his balloons!
G with his hat, I remembered it after everyone had left!
Checking out his new toys!

Emery Jai got a tricycle! G's cake!

Blowing out his candle! Happy birthday sweet baby boy.....
My dear friend Linzi and my sweet sweet Rodney Lane!

Allison & Emery Jai! G opening Gifts!
Helping Mommy!

He really just wanted a balloon!
Wooo Hooo Balloons!

NoNo Allison & Emery Jai!

Eating like a big boy!


The Flores' said...

Happy Birthday to the sweet little boy I have never actually met, but love to watch grow up! Jess, you did awesome, the barnyard theme is SOOOO ADORABLE!!! LOVED the cake!