Monday, November 3, 2008

this and that plus whatever else.....

*I am putting my foot down with Guyboo! I am only letting him nurse twice a day, now. He is doing okay, but last night he woke up at 4 a.m. and had to eat an apple! He said "Eat Apple, Eat Apple." G ate his apple then went back to bed. He thinks I am starving him to death! Also, I think breast milk was sedating him:). Now he is slightly violent, hitting, biting, clawing, and such, maybe he is having withdrawals.
*Mimi got EJ a pair of pink and white rubber boots for Uncle David's hog barn. To make a long story short she wore them to church on Sunday with her dress! She now sits with Sister Wanda in the choir, maybe because Sister Wanda is in the front row and Mimi is on the back. So EJ was on the front row worshiping in her rubber boots!
*Meagan and Cheyenne came over to see the kids this weekend. When they were talking about deer hunting EJ said "I want to go, I have a basket!" She was thinking Easter Eggs!
*Emery Jai asked me to let her stay home with the trees today. I am praying that I will be able to stay home after the first of the year (I know I keep bringing that up, but I seriously want to stay home).
*G carried a bag (purse) and a baby to church, Daddy was proud:).
*Anytime G hears music he raises his hand in praise.
*We are dedicating the kids, soon. Josh and I are not 100% sure when. We have wanted to do this for a while but never felt at home in the church we attended, until now. EJ is very excited, she loves anything where she is the center of attention.
*We took the kids to the park this weekend and had a great time! Except, EJ wanted to hang out with the teenage goths and G kept trying to climb in the pond. I got so tired of trying to keep G from swimming and coaxing EJ away form the kids we left.
*We are closing on our home EARLY!


The Anderson family said...

Carolyn told me ya'll are closing early! That's great! I know you must be estatic!