Saturday, June 4, 2011

Jump Zone!

The kiddos and I had an awesome playdate with my best bud and her little man! The weather is sooooo hot and it is only June! The park at this point is out of the question! We found a great alternative, JUMP ZONE! It is amazing how different my kiddos are. Their personality differences were in full force at the jump zone. Emery Jai was upset the moment we walked in because there was not a princes jump house. She was determined not to have fun and sulk about it. Because it wasn't exactly what she wanted she wasn't happy about anything! She refused to try any of the slides and didn't want to play. I insisted, rather sternly:), and she got over it and had a blast! Guice is all boy! He was so excited to see Batman! He took to the jump houses immediately and played hard the whole time we were there! Evergrace loved it and is completely fearless. If the big kids were doing it so was she! Although, she wasn't a fan of sharing with the other kids, no surprise there she is very possessive.
Huge pirate ship!

Evergrace playing!!

Big Man!

Evergrace climbing up the HUGE slide!

Rodney, Guice, and Evergrace!

They all 4 LOVED this icecream truck! They are all piled in!


By far boo's favorite!

Lindsay & Boo!


Lindsay said...

Your best bud is such a hottie! ;)