Saturday, June 4, 2011

Happy 3 months Hollis Timothy!

Our precious gift is 3 months! We are head over heels in love with this chubby monkey! He is such a happy easy going little one! Hollis is...drum roll please......sleeping, in his OWN bed, ALL night long! Crazy town! I know I run the risk of him never doing it again by blogging it:). He has done it about 5 nights now. Honestly, at first I didn't know what to think! I text a few folks :). The first two nights I didn't sleep at all. Between changing my shirt and checking on him and waiting for him to wake up it was a couple of long nights! I've come around to the idea of a baby who sleeps all night, actually, it really rocks! NeNa says he is sleeping all night so he can see whats coming at him during the day:)! In other news, Hollis is such a smiley guy, he smiles all over! He all out laughs and is one of the sweetest sounds ever! Hollis is a talker. He has noticed his toes and tries to get them to his mouth. He really isn't taking his bink any more. I keep forgetting to give it to him. Hollis loves loves loves his bath and for good reason, he takes it with momma! He splashes and laughs! He loves the his brother and sisters. Hollis is super good about them holding him. He loves the moby wrap and the ring sling. Hollis likes tummy time and when he gets tired he just goes to sleep. He is a bit over his swing already. But I can't bring myself to pack it up. He is 100% breastfed and thriving on mommy milk! He hasn't been sick at all. I can't wait to see what our chunk weighs at his 4 m0nth check up! He is wearing 6-9 month clothing and a size 3 diaper.
What a beautiful baby boy! Let me at those toes!

I love this one, he looks so proud of his rolls:)!


The Anderson family said...

I think he looks SO much like Josh in these!!