Thursday, March 24, 2011



That is HUGE! In 10 days H has went from 8 lbs to 9.7! He is a little oinker:). I am so very thankful! I would love to say I wasn't worried at all but that would be a lie. I prayed and prayed but wasn't at peace about it. I had all my friends praying and still couldn't let it go. I had planed a no way-no how am I giving him formula speech. That is the bottom line. I didn't even need it! I have been released to stop three step feedings! I couldn't be happier and have no clue how I am going to fill all of my free time! HA!!
I am so very thankful for everyone who lifted us up today!


Lindsay said...

Woop woop! Now you'll only need to nurse....hourly. LOL. I'm so proud of you!

The Flores' said...

Yay!! Great job Mama :o)