Wednesday, March 23, 2011

three step feedings....

Are far from easy! In all my years (yes, YEARS:)) of nursing I have never felt more like a cow. I nurse~pump, pump~nurse, repeat cycle all day. Also, as soon as I pump I bottle feed. So, I don't even have a stash of frozen milk to show for it. I am hoping I have a chunky monkey for all my hard work! We have a weight check tomorrow and I have put my prayer warriors on alert! BIG NUMBERS:)! I honestly, have no clue what to expect. We just want our peanut to be healthy. That is it.

This post would be incomplete without an image of my constant companion:)!
It is an Avent ISIS and I really LOVE it, as much as one can love a milker! HA!


The Flores' said...

Oh, I feel your pain sister! I DREADED "going to the pump" lol. I had a very difficult time breastfeeding Lily Kate, and ended up pumping exclusively for nearly 4 months (she didn't nurse, I pumped and gave her my milk in a bottle). I pumped every HOUR AND A HALF for almost 16 weeks!!! Needless to say, I had enough milk for her and every other baby on the block lol :o) Thankfully, she finally got the hang of nursing around 4 months, and then I only had to see the pump at work! Hope the pumping works to plump up your peanut - sending prayers your way!