Friday, March 25, 2011

Happy 3 Weeks!

Hollis has been earth side for a wonderful and amazing three weeks! He is just a dream baby! Simply a doll. He is so happy and content. He smiles all the time and is cooing up a storm. He loves the moby wrap and sling. He is slow to cry and quick to grin! He hardly ever cries. I have no clue what I would do with a screamer, knock on wood all my babies have been so calm! He is sleeping well. He starts off in his bassinet and ends up snuggled up with me. He is great in his car seat. Hollis even loves tummy time! Hollis is just easy going and such a sweet blessing to our family! He holds his head up and looks around. He loves to splash in the bath. Just a joy! I have to get to work on his birth story, it is just so overwhelming trying to include everything. A couple of things I don't want to leave out
* I started throwing up in labor and Dr. R ran in the room! He was so worried! LOL! He was, by far, my most favorite birth attendant. I like him more that the midwives! Really! He was so amazing! He apologized repeatedly for the way labor and delivery went. He, genuinely, felt bad that it had not gone as planed. He stayed at the hospital. He came a ton during the day and then when his office hours were over he came straight to the hospital and never left. I was his only patient.
*I begged for a C-Section.
*I was at 5cm's forever then 6 forever and 8 for almost 2 hours.
*They turned off my epi.
*I would rather have a 10 plus pound baby than a OP baby any day of the week.
*I pushed for an hour. With G I pushed maybe 3 times, he was the same size. The deference was just that H was facing up G was facing down. I actually pushed less with E only 15 min., she was very high when I started also.
*The nurse asked if we were going to circumcise H and Josh said "Why would we cut 1/3 of his penis off?" She was speechless! But, honestly, WHY???
*We had a ton of visitors at the hospital. This time, unlike with Evergrace, I was prepared and did not hang a no visitor sign on my door:)!