Wednesday, January 20, 2010

First Foods!!

We, finally (although, sooner than with any of the other kids by a week:), fed Evergrace something other than breastmilk! I think she might have swallowed a tiny bit. She was not a fan, surprise surprise...I have a feeling she will follow in her siblings foot steps and not eat until she is 8 months. I have no clue why my kids don't want to eat solids? The only thing I can figure is that they are breastfed, G & E had/has never had a bottle. When I say breastfed I mean BREAST:)! Anyway, maybe that makes a difference, who knows. But we have tried it and it was a no go! EJ & G loved it. They could not wait. Daxx and Brylee eat baby food so they thought it was high time to let Evergrace have some. I have always made my own baby food, it is super easy and there are a ton of benefits compared to store bought.
Emery Jai & Guice "feeding" her! This could explain her dislike:)! Whats the big deal???

EJ beyond excited about the big moment!

ditto for Guyboo!

home cooked oatmeal and apples!

we have tried a couple other times...still a no go!


Lindsay said...

I love their faces, all three!!!

Cute pans, too.
