Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Back to Basics!!

Is where I want to be! I have gotten away with some of the things that I really believe in or feel to be important. So, long story short my New Years Resolution was to get back to basics in all areas of life. I plan on going much more in depth in another post but for now I will leave you with this....I am (well,when the diapers come in) once again a cloth diapering mama!! I found great all in one, one size fits all cloth diapers on eBay new for a fraction of the cost! I clothed diapered with EJ. Super old school cloth diapered fold your own and pins! I used them all the time, ALL the time. I did some with Guice and haven't used a single cloth diaper with Evergrace, not one. I would have used them all along but $20 for a single all in one diaper is expensive, I KNOW in the long run it saves mucho bucks in the long run but up front cost are crazy! So I found great ones on eBay and can't wait to give them a whirl! They fit newborn to 35 lbs! So will be great for any and all future babies too. I have read a ton of reviews and most of them have been very positive. The only negative is for baby's with skinny legs, not an issue here:)!


Lindsay said...

skinny legs. that's funny. i always planned to cloth diaper Rodney, but it turned out the poo was just not something i enjoyed dealing with. crazy. but good luck and good job. her footprint is already shrinking. hahahaha. rodney's is the size of rhode island.

oh, and i've figured that we've spent $1500 on diapers. So, twenty isn't bad...:)

seriously though, you'd have to pay me $20 to go through with the washing and cleaning and etc.