Sunday, January 24, 2010

Happy Birthday Emery Jai!!

Emery Jai turned 4 today at 4:58 p.m.! I am so excited to be mom to a four year old, I just wish time did not fly buy so very fast! Emery Jai is very outgoing and LOVES people. Baby dolls are by far her favorite thing. She spends the vast majority of her time moving them around the house daily. She is a wonderful big sister, she and Guice play really well together (most of the time:), and is excellent with Evergrace. She wears a 6x but will soon move into a 7, her pants are getting short. She is weighs 56 lbs and is super tall (I will get her exact height). I know she is above the 100% on the growth chart. She loves watching her shows at her Mimi's and NeNa's houses, since we do not have a T.V. at home. She is such a smart little girl, she keeps us laughing, EJ loves projects, and can't stand to help around the house. We are very blessed to have her as our daughter and can't wait to see what God has in store for her!

Happy Birthday Emery Jai!!!


Lindsay said...

Four!?! How did that happen?

The Anderson family said...

I can't believe she's 4 either! The fact that you now have to put a 5 year old birthday ticker up seems even crazier! Where does the time go?! Happy Birthday EJ!