Sunday, July 1, 2007

35 Weeks 3 Days!

I am still doing well. I am starting to have more symptoms of the pregnancy, nothing out of the ordinary. I am tired most of the time. I have started light duty meaning Josh is responsible for all of the heavy cleaning. This is a mixed blessing, I don't have to do it but it doesn't get done the way I want. That is stressful to me, I need to learn to let somethings go, I guess. I have an over whelming urge to have everything super Clorox clean! I want the house spotless, needless to say Josh does not share my urgency. We are looking forward to our appointment on the 6th. After that we will start going every week until the big day!
On to more exciting things, the baby's name!! I think most people know already. I don't know why I have not announced it on the blog yet. Drum roll please......

So that's it for sure, I love the name. As before Guice is still after my Maternal Grandfather, Brewer is after my Dad and my Grandfather. And yes, yes, yes I am for sure this time :)!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 35 fetus in eighth month Congratulations! You’re now carrying nearly 6 lbs of baby not counting their amniotic fluid, the umbilical cord, or the placenta itself. We’re impressed because that’s a LOT of work non-stop. Are you feeling proud of yourself yet? Well, get to it—you’ve done an amazing job! At this point, your little-grower is almost busting out of the womb size-wise, which make their restricted attempts to move much challenging. Of course, your stubborn little sucker is still trying to move around as if they weren’t in a cramped space. And the accumulation baby fat deposits are starting to level off so your little butter ball will be padded and warm when they head out of their super snug little home.

Belly Shot!