Monday, August 22, 2011


I am obsessed! Seriously! If you are not a member, you should be! It is AWESOME! If you are a member follow me so I can stalk....errrr.....follow you:)! I am really working on sitting aside some time for all the ideas that I am pinning! My favs are the free printables for organization and decor. I am also a sucker for the sayings. I literally LOL while I read for them! Well, there is my plug (and no I was not reimbursed for my promotion :)). I know I am late to the Pinterest party, but hey at least I made it:)!


Unknown said...

Hello. My name is Sharlie and I am a Pinterest addict. I am not admitting there is a problem because then you might try to fix it and I don't want it fixed! LOVE IT!!!

Lindsay said...

Am gonna have to google this. Don't have a clue what you're talking about...