Monday, August 22, 2011

***more odds & ends****

Why is it that I have tons of things to record until I sit down to do it and then I can't think of one thing? That is until I hit publish!
* EG refused to participate in an activity for the church Christmas play because they didn't have a pink Shepard's robe. She wouldn't do it for love nor money.
*Boo isn't happy about not going to school this year. He won't start for two years, hopefully we can get him into a preschool or mdo soon!
*I am adjusting to the responsibility of having a school kid to get ready every morning and a folder to sign and read every afternoon!
*I asked EJ who she played with at school and she said "You know Mom we really hardly ever get to play." That is so true they get about 40 min of free play a day, that is it!
*EJ thinks it is so funny that there is a girl in her class named Becky, because that is her NeNa's name!