Monday, May 9, 2011

Hollis Timothy is 2 months!

Can't believe just two months ago I was begging for a csection:)! Hollister has made up for his LONG DIFFICULT labor, he is such an angel baby! So very very sweet! He loves to be held and cuddled and sang to and talked to and nursed a lot! He is rolling over to his back. He is spending a bit of time in his bumbo seat. His favorite toy is his activity gym! He lays under it for about 30 min.! Evergrace gets super interested in it as soon as H gets on it:)! The older kids love to hold him and help with him it is so sweet! EJ & G have showed zero jealously! E is great as long as she isn't tired, she gets a bit pinchy when she is sleepy. Hollis smiles and coo's a ton! LOVE IT! He nurses a ton, I honestly have no clue how many times a day or night:). He sleeps with me. He nurses so much its just easier. I have a ton of pumped breastmilk and give him a bottle every two days or so. It is such a relief to have a baby who will take one! We had his check up and he got shots. We have decided to vaccinate on the Dr. Sears schedule. He did not do well with them. So sad. He was so fussy the first day, the next day he just slept. I am thinking about delaying them all together until he is older.

Hollis has made up for his slow start for sure! He is weighing 14.15 lbs and is 261/2 in long! He is in 6 month clothes but some of those are too short. We haven't really settled on a name for sure. He gets called Hollis, Hollister, Hollis Timothy, and Baby:). I had a bit of name remorse, I really love his name but not sure what to call him. I am hoping it will work its self out:)!

We are enjoying this perfect addition to our family of 6!