Monday, April 18, 2011

Hollis is 6 weeks & some change:)!

The biggest change over the last 6 weeks is Hollis' size! He is now weighing over 13 lbs! He is a chunk! We are packing up all his 0-3 month clothing. He is regularly cooing and smiling up a storm. H is an absolute doll baby! So handsome and just super sweet. He doesn't have a fussy time or crying spells. It is hard to fuss & cry with a boob in your mouth at all times:)! He is exclusively fed breast milk. I still pump and he occasionally takes a bottle and will down 4 ounces. H is very close to rolling over, he can roll to his sides but can't make it over his chubby belly. He can bare weight on his legs for several seconds. He has great head control. He is sleeping like a baby:). Some nights are better than others:)! He loves riding around in the moby wrap. The biggest news it we had his ACH appointment and his test results are normal! Praise God! Saying we are thankful falls incredibly short.


The Flores' said...

Soooo glad to hear the ultrasound was fine! I know how worried you must have been. Sounds like Hollis is a very strong healthy little man :o)