Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The perfectionist...

Of course, I am not talking about myself! Ha! I am speaking of my first born. She has to do everything perfectly the first try. In some aspects this is a wonderful attribute to have, but sometimes not so much. We tried to do the annual Mother's Day questionnaire, it was a no go. She refused to answer a lot of the questions and after each one she asked me if she got it right. We have had a hard time, nightmarish really, getting her to write her name. She would get so upset that it was not perfect she refused to try. She wanted her letters to look exactly like mine the very first time she put pen to paper. We have made much headway in that area. I just keep encouraging her to try! MiMi bought EJ & G a slip and slide, EJ could not enjoy it because she wasn't sliding just exactly like the boy on the box. She just kept trying and then would go get the box and look at it, EJ even asked me to read the directions on how to do it properly. Emery Jai is so very amazing, even in her stubbornness:)!


Lindsay said...

oh my goodness, oh my goodness, oh my goodness!!!

Rodney is just like EJ! He has been working for months on writing an "R". He cannot get it right for the life of him. He would get so mad when he messed up that he would throw his pencil, tear up the paper, and scream. Now he's just given up trying because he ends up in trouble for throwing a mad fit.

I'm not sure if we should let the two hang out together anymore. It could do permanent damage.

Love you!!!