Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I have spent the past several, 6 or 7 to be exact, weeks working as a server for Josh. I worked 1 or 2 shifts a week, about 4 hours a shift. I have to be completely honest and say it was great to get out of the house for a bit! Not having a job outside of the home is hard financially sometimes, but the financial stress pails in comparison to the mental strain. For me at least. Talking with people over the age of 4 twice a week without having to yell to be heard or saying just a second because I had to wipe a bottom was AMAZING! I LOVE staying at home, why else would I do it after all:)?!?! But it is super nice to get out, even if it was for work :)! The kiddos had as much fun as I did. They got to go to Mimi's! EJ & G would ask me no less than 100 times a day if it was time to go! We usually ended up getting in the car way too early, just to getCheck Spelling them to settle down. E was less than enthused about the separation. She was borderline out of her mind about it. So MiMi called in reinforcements and had Uncle Jamie & Aunt Tina come over to help with the dragon. I am no longer serving, Joshua changed jobs in case you haven't heard. EJ asked me if I could find another job. I can tell that she values me as a stay at home* mom. G wants to still go to Mimi's, he told me that I can go but he doesn't want me to tell him no. Sounds like someone has Mimi around his little finger! My guess is that they ALL do! As soon as they walk in the door they start asking for snacks and juice! No matter what they have just ate. One day I had taken them to eat pie at the Branding Iron right before I dropped the off, it didn't change a thing! Even Evergrace would start demanding food the moment she entered. A HUGE thank you to MiMi, Uncle Jamie, & Aunt Tina!!!!!
Pics of the kiddos having a blast with Papa! They LOVE the wagon rides, every time we are there they must have a whirl! Yes, even Evergrace! I am convinced she has zero clue she is a baby! If the older ones are doing it she has a FIT to do it too!

I am not a fan of the term stay at home mom.....sounds, to me at least, that I am just to lazy to get a "real" job. I haven't come up with a label that fits exactly.....any suggestions:)???


Lindsay said...

Homemaker. Ha.

I love the little wagon.