Tuesday, June 1, 2010

10 Months!

Evergrace has reached double digits! We are head over heels in love with our dragon! Dragon is her #1 nickname, we here in the Anderson house are big on nicknames :). She is demanding, opinionated, short tempered, spoiled rotten, and over the top precious! She is now a crib dweller, and we are all loving it! She was nursing all night long, honestly. She was latched on more than she wasn't. Even with cosleeping it was not working. Evergrace & I woke up totally exhausted every single day. Soooooo she is now sleeping ALL night in her crib! Glory Glory Hallelujah! We are thrilled! She is nursing around 2 or 3 times a day. I had to put her more on a schedule. She would go 3 or 4 days and nurse around the clock then not nurse for a couple of days. CRAZY! So, I laid down the law! She doesn't take a sippy, she drinks from a cup that we hold. The dragon eats like a horse. Loves all food including roasted red pepper hummus on a whole wheat wrap. She will eat anything and tons of it. She adores her older siblings, loves to take their toys and pull their hair. She is getting very good at pinching and scratching also. She can stand for a few seconds unassisted, walking is just around the bend.
We are constantly amazed by our third blessing!