Thursday, March 4, 2010

Five Years....

Joshua and I celebrated our anniversary today. No, I did not wake up to a dozen long stem red roses. However, my kitchen was much cleaner than I left it last night, Josh stayed up late doing dishes and mopping. No, we are not going out of town to celebrate. However, we bought some much needed and wonderfully priced living room furniture. No, he did not take me out to a romantic candle lit dinner. However, Josh did work a double today so I can continue my dream job as a stay at home mom to our amazing kids. No, he did not get me a card. However, Josh came home to help me get the kids down before he went to the church to spend time in prayer. No, our love is not glamorous in the Hollywood sense. However, our love is constant and steady and forever. I can not tell you them amount of respect I have for this man. My facebook status today stated that Josh was the greatest man I have ever known. That is the simple truth. He is my all, he is my everything.
click HERE to read fun tidbits of our togetherness!!!