Friday, January 2, 2009

Sad but true....

Guice is no longer nursing......I know some of you thought I would breastfeed him in Kindergarten! My plan was for him to self wean which generally happens around 2 -3 years of age. But with me limiting him to once a day and the stress of the pregnancy I encouraged early weaning. I kept him busy during nursing time and distracted him when he asked to nurse. He took it very well, better than me I think. I did reach my main goal, for him not to have ANY formula, not a single drop! You can raise a baby on breastmilk alone, really! Nursing G was not always easy (remember the fainting incident) he never took a bottle, we had to work on latch issues and my milk came in later than I would have liked but very much worth it! While I am on the topic I just want to share, if you plan of beastfeeding please visit your local La Leche League. They give the best advice! WAY better than any information from a pediatrician or OB/GYN.