Tuesday, July 8, 2008

This & That...

*EJ is such a mess, nothing new. What is new is her obsession of weddings and wanting to have one. She says she is having a pink wedding birthday party in January complete with flowers and a veil.
*EJ is not happy at all with Guice's upcoming party. She says it is her party. I am more than a little worried about how she will behave when the party comes around. I have a feeling Miss EJ will be spending the majority of the party in time out.
*Guice shakes his head no while saying it to us all the time.
*Emery Jai still loves Spider Man and says she is going to marry him.
*Emery Jai ask almost everyday to go to High School because she wants to learn.
*Guice is a climber he can scale almost anything!
*Guice does not like to eat in his highchair, he prefers to eat in a real chair. He is such a big boy!
*EJ is still in the bed with us. Her sleeping in her own bed did not last long at all. We are encouraging her to make the leap to her own bed, but she is not that enthused.
*Guice sings all the time and loves to dance.
*Emery Jai will see something on TV and then demand that she get it. Everything from Pizza Hut to a Home Depot gift card.
*Emery Jai refers to herself in third person, she will say "What is Emery Jai doing?"
*EJ now Kung Fu Pandas us. She runs up to us and kicks us, hard!
*Guice is a cuddle bug, he loves to be held and rocked.
*Emery Jai wants to go somewhere every single day. If we happen to stay home one whole day (the injustice:) she flips out.
*Emery Jai prays and it is so funny. She says "God Thanks for it all, Amen!" I try to get her to name things specifically and she says "That is just too hard."
*Guice is a fighter. He kicks, hits, and pulls EJ's hair a lot. He is a tad aggressive.


Anonymous said...

These summary updates about the kids crack me up! They are such a cute mess!

Melissa g.

Anonymous said...

Keep us posted. Love reading your blog and looking at pictures of the kids. Look forward to seeing you all ASAP. Love Aunt Mimi